Module Description
A module that is used for tracking all the possible drupal system events with a variety of features around it.

Features Can set a system message including tokens for any type of CRUD entity actions or form submissions. Now, all your form submission data can be logged and tracked for a purpose.

Once an entity performs any updates into the fields we can now track it via a diff visualization into the logs listing which will keep us a transparent view of who, when, and what exactly fields were changed.

Can configure which specter of modules we want to track the events, and also filter them into logs listing. Also, set the specific forms we want to track the submissions, or just track all we do have on the site (including custom forms).

Can specify how many logs the system may keep and the rest of the logs will be erased by a corn job.

Can export and perform the full CRUD actions to the logs.

Logs the IP address and User agent for the tracked event. NOTE: Be careful with this feature and make sure to inform users about this in cookie complaints and/or GDPR policy.

* Token
* Views
* Views data export
* Diff

It has an internal drupal service for this purpose. Here are examples:

$elog_service = \Drupal::service('elogger.logger'); // Log an entity event log like the creation, update, and delete of a Drupal entity. // $entity: a Drupal "EntityInterface" instance like node, term, user, menu_link, etc. $elog_service->setEntity($entity); $elog_service->logEvent('entity_create'); /** * Implements hook_form_alter(). */ function elogger_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) { // Log a form submit event. It will also log the submitted form data. $elog_service->setForm($form, $form_state); $elog_service->logEvent('actions'); } Similar modules
* Events Log Track
* Events Logging

Configuration pages
* Logs listing: admin/reports/elogger
* Elogger: Filter Configurations: admin/config/system/elogger
* Elogger: Log Messages Configurations: admin/config/system/elogger/log-messages
* Elogger: Filter Configurations: admin/config/system/elogger

Project Usage
Creation Date
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Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to track all possible Drupal system events, including CRUD entity actions and form submissions, with features such as setting system messages, diff visualization of field updates, configuration of tracked modules and forms, log retention settings, export capabilities, and logging of IP addresses and user agents for tracked events.
Data Name



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