Module Description
External Link Pop-up module provides confirmation pop-up on external link click, that follows out of the site. The module supports multiple pop-ups and have options to allow some links don't show pop-ups.

The module uses `core/drupal.dialog` library, which is build on `jquery.ui.dialog` library.

The configuration page is in "Administation -> Configuration -> Content Authoring" menu. The path is `/admin/config/content/external_link_popup`.

Global configuration includes domains whitelist field. Whitelist configuration is described below in "Excluding Links" section. Each of pop-ups has next options:

- "Show close icon" checkbox, check to chow close ([X]) icon in pop-up header. - "Title" - fill with text displayed in pop-up title area. - "Body" - pop-up main text. - "Yes button" - text on button which allows user follow the link. - "No button" - text on button which cancels jump and closes pop-up. - "Domains" - white-space separated list of top-level domains to show this pop-up. Domain '' matches '' and '*'. - "Open in new tab by default" - check to open links having NO TARGET attribute specified in new tab. If a link has target attribute it is used to detect how to open it.

ATTENTION: It recommended to configure target attribute on the link for the cases when JS is disabled or broken on the page, to open a link in new tab even if external link popup isn't shown.

Excluding Links
The module provides ability to exlude external domains from pop-up show. To do it fill "Allowed Sites" field in configuration with white-space separated list of domains to excude. Each domain you defined also matches for it subdomains, e.g. '' matches '' and '*'.

The module provide ability to exclude specific link from pop-up show. Just add to the link `external-link-popup-disabled` CSS class.

Force Pop-up show
The module provide ability to define which popup to show on a link with `data-external-link-popup-id` attribute. It overrides any settings for the link except `external-link-popup-disabled` CSS class. It also works for local links. Use Popup machine name as a value.

The pop-ups are based on `jquery.ui.dialog` and uses JQuery UI styling. The module pop-up has the next additional classes on a dialog wrapper: - `external-link-popup` - global class for all dialogs, - `external-link-popup-id-%id%` - class for particular pop-up, where %id% is it's machine name, e.g. `external-link-popup-id-default` for default pop-up, - `external-link-popup-body` - class for Body section inside of the pop-up content,

See jQuery UI styling framework for full information, here are some typical cases: - Width. JQuery Dialog requires pop-up width on creation and it equeals to 85% of document width for responsive purposes*. You can control `min-width` and `max-width` of the pop-up with CSS, e.g.

.external-link-popup { min-width: 320px; max-width: 600px; } - Header. To style header use `.external-link-popup .ui-dialog-titlebar` CSS rule. - Content. To style content use `.external-link-popup .ui-dialog-content` CSS rule. - Buttons Area. To style the area use `.external-link-popup .ui-dialog-buttonpane` CSS rule. - Button. To style button use `.external-link-popup .ui-dialog-buttonpane .ui-button` CSS rule. Use `:first-child` and `:last-child` pseudo-classes to style specific button.


The external link popup triggers custom events based on actions taken on the popup.

Events list: - `externalLinkPopup:yes` - Popup Ok / Yes button clicked, popup is closed. - `externalLinkPopup:no` - Popup is closed without going external site. - `externalLinkPopup:notFound` - Popup not configured. - `externalLinkPopup:skipped` - No popup shown due to whitelisted domain or the link has "external-link-popup-disabled" class.

General example:

$(window).on('externalLinkPopup:{ACTION}', function(event) { console.log(event.popupId, event.domain,; }); Multi-Language support
The module supports translation via Configuration Translation module from version 8.x-1.4.

- - JQuery UI Dialog documentation. - - JQuery UI styling framework.

Project Usage
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Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
The External Link Pop-up module aims to provide confirmation pop-ups on external link clicks, allowing for customization and exclusion options for different links and domains.
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