Module Description
Places all entity-translatable fields inline in a single form.
Drupal 7
The Drupal 7 version is considered stable.
Usage From the content type's edit screen, enable "Place all entity-translatable fields for all enabled languages inline on the node add/edit form"
Drupal 8 and 9
The Drupal 8/9 version is ready for use.
Differences in the Drupal 8 version
* Field collections no longer supported (but paragraph entities ok).
* Other content-translatable entity types are supported.
* Added tabbed mode. (please refer to the for setup)
* Optional side by side LanguageA / LanguageB editing is available. (some fields especially non-translateable ones should go into details groups to ensure proper layout)
Usage Visit the content language page (admin/config/regional/content-language). Next to a content-translatable entity type, enable "Place all content-translatable fields for all enabled languages inline on the node add/edit form".
Similar modules
These modules take a centralized approach: Shows menus, nodes, blocks and taxonomy with source and target language side by side.
* Multilanguage Form Display (D8)
* translate_side_by_side (D8)
* entity_translation_sbs (D7)
* Entity Translation: Separated shared elements form (ETSSEF) (D7)
Known issues
* incompatible with autosave_form module, if you have autosave_form, uninstall it prior to testing /using entity_translation_unified_form
* see the README.txt for troubleshooting
Drupal 7
The Drupal 7 version is considered stable.
Usage From the content type's edit screen, enable "Place all entity-translatable fields for all enabled languages inline on the node add/edit form"
Drupal 8 and 9
The Drupal 8/9 version is ready for use.
Differences in the Drupal 8 version
* Field collections no longer supported (but paragraph entities ok).
* Other content-translatable entity types are supported.
* Added tabbed mode. (please refer to the for setup)
* Optional side by side LanguageA / LanguageB editing is available. (some fields especially non-translateable ones should go into details groups to ensure proper layout)
Usage Visit the content language page (admin/config/regional/content-language). Next to a content-translatable entity type, enable "Place all content-translatable fields for all enabled languages inline on the node add/edit form".
Similar modules
These modules take a centralized approach: Shows menus, nodes, blocks and taxonomy with source and target language side by side.
* Multilanguage Form Display (D8)
* translate_side_by_side (D8)
* entity_translation_sbs (D7)
* Entity Translation: Separated shared elements form (ETSSEF) (D7)
Known issues
* incompatible with autosave_form module, if you have autosave_form, uninstall it prior to testing /using entity_translation_unified_form
* see the README.txt for troubleshooting
Module Link
Project Usage
Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to solve the issue of placing all entity-translatable fields inline in a single form for easier editing and translation in Drupal 7, 8, and 9.
Data Name