Module Description
This module enables granular publish and unpublish permissions which allows you to grant roles on your site the ability to publish or unpublish specific content types without having to give them the administer content permissions. This is a lightweight solution to managing your content workflows.

Version 8.x-1.x
This is now under development!

* Global un/publish any content
* Per "node type" un/publish any [node type] content
* Per user un/publish own [node type] content
* (Optionally) adds a "Publish/unpublish" tab, action links or button for one-click un/publishing.
* Exposes publish/unpublish links to your views, making it easy to streamline workflows for reviewers, editors and publishers.
* Provides Organic Group permissions allowing group members the specific ability to publish or unpublish content.
* Provides developer API hooks for programatically allowing or denying publishing access to content for site builders with specific needs

Instructions After enabling it, you first need to choose the content types this will work with. Goto Structure -> Content Types then edit each that should work with this module. Tick the "Enable publish content" tickbox under the publishing options and save.

Once done you will then need to go to the Drupal permissions page, and set the various permissions for each content type:

* "publish any content": you can publish any content whose content type is set to work with publish content
* "publish editable content": you can publish any content whose content type is set to work with publish content and which you are already able to edit
* "publish any 'nodetype' content": you can publish any node whose type is 'nodetype'
* "publish own 'nodetype' content": you can publish any node whose type is 'nodetype' authored by you
* "unpublish any content": you can unpublish any node whose content type is set to work with publish content
* "unpublish editable content": you can unpublish any content whose content type is set to work with publish content and which you are already able to edit
* "unpublish any 'nodetype' content": you can unpublish any node whose type is 'nodetype'
* "unpublish own 'nodetype' content": you can unpublish any nodes whose type is 'nodetype' authored by you

It's almost too obvious to write: click the 'Publish' tab to publish and 'Unpublish' to unpublish. It's that simple!

Recommended modules
* view_unpublished - For granting the ability for a role to access unpublished content.
* Unpublished permissions - Similar to the above.

Other modules

* Override node options - Adds permissions for publish per node type and other fields like author,sticky, etc.
* Workbench Moderation - A more complex alternative to this module which allows a more in depth workflow process than simply publish and unpublish.

Credits Currently maintained by Deeson Online and Makina Corpus.

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Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to solve the issue of granting granular publish and unpublish permissions for specific content types without needing to give administer content permissions.
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