Module Description
This module integrates the iubenda Privacy & Cookie Policy generator in your Drupal website. Obviously, GDPR compliant.

Features In particular, this module allows to block the most common widgets and third-party cookies to comply with Cookie Laws:

* The module automatically inserts the Iubenda code in the head of every website pages.
* It handles the display of privacy policy.
* It handles the display of cookie banners and cookie policy, saving user preferences about the use of cookies.
* It displays a clean page (without banner) to users who have already provided their consent.
* It detects bots/spiders and serves them a clean page.

The module is currently able to automatically detect and block the scripts listed here.

For more details on how Iubenda works, you may find comprehensive information and a demo on the Iubenda Cookie Solution blog page

4.x - Actively supported. 3.x - No more supported! 8.x-2.x - No more supported! 7.x-2.x - Bug fixing only. 7.x-1.x - No more supported! Installation Drupal 9/10 Install using composer. Run this command in your project root folder:

composer require drupal/iubenda_integration

Iubenda PHP class iubenda/iubenda-cookie-class will be automatically included.

Drupal 7 Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. See for further information.

Download and install the Libraries API 2 module and the Iubenda Integration module as normal. Then download the Iubenda PHP class for cookies which allows blocking prior to consent.

Download Iubenda PHP class

Unpack and rename the class directory to "iubenda-cookie-class", afterward place it inside the "sites/all/libraries" directory on your server. Make sure the path to the class file becomes: "sites/all/libraries/iubenda-cookie-class-4.1.8/iubenda.class.php"

Install with Drush The easiest way to download and install the module and the PHP class is via the built-in Drush commands

drush dl iubenda_integration (download the module) drush en iubenda_integration (enable the module, download and install the Iubenda PHP class) drush iubenda-php-class (download and install the Iubenda PHP class)

If you use a Drush make workflow, Drush automatically downloads the library using the iubenda_integration.make file.

Help wanted! We are seeking contributors to add Terms and Conditions and Consent Solution integrations.

This module requires an account on Iubenda, where you will be able to generate the required Privacy ID and Site ID.

This module also uses the PHP library Iubenda Cookie Class

How to use it

* Enable Iubenda Integration module
* Open the setting page (admin/config/services/iubenda-integration) to set up your privacy policy and cookie banner
* Enjoy it!


* Bmeme, the project creator.
* Studio Aqua, supporting from June 2016.

Similar projects and how they are different

* Iubenda, a sandbox module.
* Simple Iubenda, a plug-in-and-go module.

Project Usage
Creation Date
Changed Date
Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to solve the integration of the iubenda Privacy & Cookie Policy generator in Drupal websites to ensure GDPR compliance and block common widgets and third-party cookies to adhere to Cookie Laws.
Data Name



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