Module Description
The core of the Dropsolid Rocketship distribution. Contains a solid base to start developing any Drupal site, from SEO optimizations to a Page content type set-up according to best practices.

Works best with Dropsolid Rocketship Install Profile. We no longer actively maintain Dropsolid Rocketship Paragraphs as Rocketship has moved on to using Layout Builder with inline Blocks.

Rocketship Core This module contains patches. For these patches to apply, your project should require cweagans/composer-patches. Read that project's README to set up your project to work with dependency patching.

One bug that sometimes crops up with dependency patches, is that composer doesn't pick them up immediately (if, say, a new release has an extra patch). Either check the composer log or the composer.lock to make sure all patches are applied properly, or run your update command twice.

Default Content Default Language If you install the site using Rocketship Installer, you will see a step where you can select a language to be used for "default content", meaning the various migrates that set up demo or default content. This form can also be accessed at /admin/config/regional/rocketship-default-language.

Rocketship Menu Parent Alias token:
* Used mostly for node path aliases
* If the node is in a menu, fetches the parent's path alias and prepends it to the current node's alias
* If that parent is also a node with the same token and is also in a menu, that means its alias already contained their own parent so you can safely build a nice alias structure based on the menu.
* Also includes hook_path_update to update all children's aliases if a parent changes theirs
* todo: trigger same logic when someone re-orders the menu links

Paged current page token
* A new token, [current-page:paged-url], is available. It is identical to the normal current-page:url token but it adds the page query parameter if present.

Rocketship class:
* contains helper functions, similar to \Drupal::

* Contains the breakpoints used by all responsive image styles

Search API
* Contains search api server (db) and index for all content types. Other modules update the index as needed when installed.

Field storage
* Contains field storage definitions for fields used by other features. For example, field_header_paragraph.

Image Styles
* Contains all the basic image styles (based on ratios). These are then used to create specific Responsive image styles which are linked to content types and view modes and the like. There should be no need to create any more basic image styles, if the design allows it of course. Use responsive image styles wherever possible!
* Also contains "Preview" image style, which only scales the width. This is the image style to use for Focal Point widgets.

Translation information
* We now don't show the language selector anymore when using a multilingual site. Instead, we always show what language the user is creating something in . The functionality for that is located in this module.

TokenReplacer migrate processor Requires a string to be passed to it, and only supports global tokens. Will replace any global tokens in the string with their values.

Widgets LinkTargetWidget
* Extends normal Link widget
* Exposes option to set target so the client can decide per link

Display Field This module contains a custom field type that is computed, so no database schema. It always has one value. This custom field type is used to replace Display Suite now that we're working with Layout Builder. What used to be DSFields are now Field Formatters specific to that custom field type:

* Outputs the time an entity was created as "X minutes/hours/etc ago"
* Updates with AJAX, has fallback normal date format.

* Takes an identifier and some text
* Outputs a link with the identifier as href (+ # of course)
* No support for hashtags on other pages at the moment

* Renders a field from the entity the paragraph is attached to as though it was part of the paragraph.
* Useful for theming. If a value from the parent has to be output as part of the paragraph, this'll do it.
* If multiple fields need outputting, use Display Suite's copy DSField functionality (untested)

* Provides configurable link which can be placed in any display mode ( currently supported entity types are: node, taxonomy_term)
* Available configuration options are: link text, link URL ( with autocomplete support), CSS class
* Token input is supported for title and URL

Custom formatters AuthorRender
* Field type: boolean
* Output the highest level parent's author when the field value evaluates to true.

* Field type: boolean
* Outputs the breadcrumb if the field value is true

* Field type: link
* Adds option to add extra classes to the output

* Field type: file
* Extends GenericFileFormatter, adds extra option for developer set link text

* Field type: image
* Outputs images using the Featherlight library

* Field type: string & string_long
* Wraps output in selected wrapper

* Field type: video_embed_field
* Alternative to thumbnail link which opens video in colorbox
* This one lets you select a field or fallback text, and use that to build a link which will open the video in a popup. Extra fallback; if javascript fails it's still a link to the video.

* Field type: image
* Works with the value from field_image_position to add classes that let the themer know if the image should be aligned left or right

* Field type: boolean
* If checked, outputs the created date of the highest level parent.
* Currently format is hardcoded, will be fixed so it's part of the formatter settings

* Field type: link
* Allows developer to set text to be used as the link text instead of using user defined text
* Don't forget to disable asking for link text in field settings
* Useful if the link text is always the same, such as "Visit this website"

* Field type: entity_reference
* other reference fields from the entity to determine the relationship (still needs extra filter to make sure those reference field reference content entities, not config entities)
* the conjunction within a single field is currently OR, so if an entity has term A and B, entities that have term A OR B will pop up. Plans for AND will have to wait, can't be done using EntityQuery, will require a refactor to a database query.
* you can select the conjunction between the multiple fields however. If you select AND, then there will have to be a match in every field before the entity can be used to pad the list
* naturally the entities that are manually added to the entity reference field this formatter is on are excluded, as is the entity itself
* you can set how much it should pad. If you set it to 5, it will add entities if needed to reach 5. By default it will attempt to reach the cardinality for the field, unless it is infinite then it won't pad at all unless a manual pad limit is set.
* you can select one other field to sort by and set the sort direction
* You can only select this formatter if the entity has at least one other reference field that can be used to create a "relationship"
* You can only select this formatter on reference fields which reference the same entity and bundle as the entity the field is attached to
* 'Force padding' will pad the list to reach the limit even if there aren't enough items with the relationship. If it only finds 2 items that meet the criteria, but the limit is 5, it'll grab 3 other items to reach the limit.

TLDR: If you've got a "related products" reference field, the user can fill in one or two products and you can set the formatter to add other related products until the limit is reached. It'll do that using the reference fields selected to create a relationship.

Custom Fields ParagraphTitleReplacementField
* add this to your header paragraphs. It will output either the parent node's title in h1 or whatever the client fills in wrapped in whatever they want (widget setting).
* can also be added to nodes. Will simply grab the highest parent it can, or fallback to itself.
* Used when the detail page title needs markup (strong, italic)

* Image description title field contains an image, title and text (also supports icon list or numbers)
* Used in paragraphs

* Custom field with two inputs (both textfield)
* Useful when the client wants to create a list of label: values
* For example, dimensions of a package, properties of a building, etc
* Has a normal formatter defined, as well as a Table formatter
* Also contains a "promoted" value. This is used in the Formatters, to only show certain values on teasers for example. Hidden behind permissions, used in Product feature.
* NOTE: we can't filter on this field, as the label, which signifies what it is, is also defined by the user.

* Custom field containing a title and a body

* Custom field containing title and textarea (for when no markup is allowed, this can be used instead of TabbedItem)

* Custom computed field that always has a single value. Used to replace the loss of Display Suite Fields now that we use Layout Builder

Sub-modules: Rocketship Content:
* migrates homepage, 404 and 403 page and sets it in
* also disables frontpage, 404 and 403 metatag defaults so node metatags are used

Rocketship SEO:
* Sets up SEO settings
* Based on Varbase, but with no Yoast (unstable) and small tweaks

Rocketship Page:
* Creates a 'Page' content type
* Uses Paragraph fields to make it as flexible as possible

Ready-made content types! Rocketship Core now contains our own ready-made content types, set up using Rocketship Core. Using Layout Builder, these content types ready to go out of the box. Most have various levels of complexity, with Core being only the content type, Basic including an overview built using Views and Search API and Advanced often times adding extra features such as filtering, etc.

Versions 6.1.x - Currently supported. 5.1.x - Maintenance fixes only. 8.x-3.x - Maintenance fixes only. 8.x-1.x - Maintenance fixes only.

Project Usage
Creation Date
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Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
Rocketship Core module aims to provide a solid base for developing any Drupal site, including SEO optimizations and best practices for setting up a Page content type.
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