Module Description
This module provides a basic Remote Image media entity type which allows embedding of images from any remote URL. The entities are simply rendered as an <img> tag with the src attribute set the to the URL that is saved on the entity. The limitation to this approach is that you cannot leverage Drupal Core's image styles since the images are not copied to the site's local file system.

When is this useful?
* When you need a dead simple image embed
* When you want to serve images directly from a CDN
* When leveraging the Deploy module suite in conjunction with Relaxed deployment, as the below noted Remote Stream Wrapper solution breaks the deployments. There is an open issue for this bug.

Need to leverage image styles? In many cases it may be appropriate to instead leverage Remote Stream Wrapper, which copies remote files to your site's local file system. This allows you to manipulate them as you would any other local Drupal image. Configuration is slightly complex but is outlined in this issue comment.

Hotlinking & Legality Many image hosting sites do not permit their images to be embedded on external sites ("hotlinking"), either in their terms of service or by substituting a stock image for the requested image. Some hosts only permit hotlinking on forums etc. rather than as core site content. Some hosts require specific backlinks/attribution to the image on their site. It is your responsibility to make sure that you are abiding by any and all third party requirements, licenses, and copyrights.

To Do / Wishlist This is a new module and development is ongoing. Some features that are under consideration include:

* Make media name optional.
* Allow the user to input additional attributes such as height/width.
* Extract metadata from the remote image for use in field mapping, for example (as for local images): Name, MIME type, File size, Width, and Height.
* Purpose-built Colorbox support.

Shameless Self Promotion A list of modules that @mrweiner maintains:

* Cache Register: A module aimed at improving developer quality of life surrounding caching.
* Enum Generator: A developer utility that generates enums and class constants from a site's entities.
* Views Hooks Extras: Extends Views' native hooks to more specifically target particular views and their displays
* Media Entity Remote Image: Provides a simple media type + field for remote image urls

Project Usage
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Security Covered
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Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to provide a simple media type and field for embedding remote image URLs
Data Name



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