Module Description
This module provides the find and replace functionality for CKEditor on Drupal 8.
* Quickly search the text as well as replace words inside it.
* Common options available for matching:
* case
* whole word
* cyclic
* CKEditor (Packaged with Drupal 8 Core)
Manual Installation
* Download CKEditor Find/Replace from into your module directory
* Download the CKEditor Plugin at Find/Replace
* Unzip and place the plugin folder contents in the following directory: DRUPAL_ROOT/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/find
* Enable the CKEditor Find/Replace module.
* In the Administrative menu, go to Configuration -> Text formats and editors.
* Select which text format you want to add the find/replace buttons to. For example “Basic HTML”.
* Add the Find, Find RTL, and Replace buttons, which came from CKEditor Find/Replace module.
Composer Installation
* Add the following repository to you composer.json file: { "repositories": [ { "type": "package", "package": { "name": "ckeditor/find", "version": "4.14.1", "type": "drupal-library", "extra": { "installer-name": "ckeditor/plugins/find" }, "dist": { "url": "", "type": "zip" } } } ] }
* In your composer directory, run composer require drupal/ckeditor_find It should automatically include the package that you defined and install it in the correct place.
* Enable the CKEditor Find/Replace module.
* In the Administrative menu, go to Configuration -> Text formats and editors.
* Select which text format you want to add the find/replace buttons to. For example “Basic HTML”.
* Add the Find, Find RTL, and Replace buttons, which came from CKEditor Find/Replace module.
CKEditor Addon
Special Thanks
Vardot and the team behind CKEditor Anchor Link, upon which this module is very closely based.
* Quickly search the text as well as replace words inside it.
* Common options available for matching:
* case
* whole word
* cyclic
* CKEditor (Packaged with Drupal 8 Core)
Manual Installation
* Download CKEditor Find/Replace from into your module directory
* Download the CKEditor Plugin at Find/Replace
* Unzip and place the plugin folder contents in the following directory: DRUPAL_ROOT/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/find
* Enable the CKEditor Find/Replace module.
* In the Administrative menu, go to Configuration -> Text formats and editors.
* Select which text format you want to add the find/replace buttons to. For example “Basic HTML”.
* Add the Find, Find RTL, and Replace buttons, which came from CKEditor Find/Replace module.
Composer Installation
* Add the following repository to you composer.json file: { "repositories": [ { "type": "package", "package": { "name": "ckeditor/find", "version": "4.14.1", "type": "drupal-library", "extra": { "installer-name": "ckeditor/plugins/find" }, "dist": { "url": "", "type": "zip" } } } ] }
* In your composer directory, run composer require drupal/ckeditor_find It should automatically include the package that you defined and install it in the correct place.
* Enable the CKEditor Find/Replace module.
* In the Administrative menu, go to Configuration -> Text formats and editors.
* Select which text format you want to add the find/replace buttons to. For example “Basic HTML”.
* Add the Find, Find RTL, and Replace buttons, which came from CKEditor Find/Replace module.
CKEditor Addon
Special Thanks
Vardot and the team behind CKEditor Anchor Link, upon which this module is very closely based.
Module Link
Project Usage
Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to solve the find and replace functionality for CKEditor on Drupal 8.
Data Name