Module Description
The plug-and-play recurring events and registration system for Drupal.

The Recurring Events module is a Drupal 8 and 9 plug-and-play recurring events and registration system designed to be site agnostic and extensible. Detailed information about the module is available on the module's external documentation page.

Module Basics The module allows site editors to create and manage events which recur in a variety of ways - including consecutively, daily, weekly, monthly, and custom recurrence configurations. An event series comprises of multiple event instances, each of which inherits data from the series, but can also be managed and viewed independently from the series itself, this offers great flexibility when it comes to modifying event instance dates and times or removing them altogether.

The module also has four submodules:

* recurring_events_registration enables registration for events * recurring_events_views which swaps entity lists for flexible views * recurring_events_reminders which allows sending of reminder emails for event registrants * group_recurring_events_series which allows the event series entities to be configured as groups with the Group module.

The core recurring_events module has 2 core dependencies and 1 contrib dependency:

* datetime_range (core) * options (core) * field_inheritance

The views submodule also has a dependency on the core views module.

Similar Modules
The closest comparison would be the smart_date module, which adds a field type that allows RRule compliant date recurrence configuration to be added. While that module does a really great job, this module approaches things differently. With smart_date, a content editor would have a single entity with a recurrence field that builds instances of that event. With recurring_events, eventinstances are separate entities completely and therefore can be overridden or extended, without affecting the rest of the series. This module also comes with a registration submodule, including the ability to register either for an entire series, or individual events. Using smart_date that would not be possible as there is only one entity.

Stable Release Expectations
This module does not yet have a stable 1.0 release with the only real blocker being the core bug listed on the Field Inheritance project page:

Views does not support computed bundle fields - This prevents inherited fields from being used in Views. However, applying the patch within the issue does resolve this problem.

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Module Summary
The Recurring Events module aims to provide a plug-and-play recurring events and registration system for Drupal, allowing site editors to create and manage events that recur in various ways.
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