Module Description
Acquia CMS Common provides shared functionality for the Acquia CMS ecosystem. This module is not intended to be used by itself in the absence of other Acquia CMS modules.

Core version compatibility
The 3.x release of acquia_cms_common supports Drupal Core 10.0.9 & above while 2.x release supports Drupal Core 9.5 & 10 and the 1.x supports only Drupal 9 with minimum Drupal Core 9.4.

Release Support
The 1.x support for the Acquia CMS Common module ended with Drupal Core ending support for Drupal Core 9.4.x.


* Same as 2.x with Drupal Core support 10.0.9 and above.


* Support Acquia Contenthub of release ^3.
* Support Config Ignore of release ^3.
* Support Moderation Dashboard of release ^2.
* Support Workbench Email of release ^3.
* The module Acquia Telemetry is removed in favor of Acquia Connector.


* Support Acquia Contenthub of release ^2.
* Support Config Ignore of release ^2.
* Support Moderation Dashboard of release ^1.
* Support Workbench Email of release ^2.

How to upgrade from 1.x to 2.x

* The 3.x release of config_ignore module doesn’t require config_filter module. Therefore, you should include in your project before upgrading. composer require drupal/config_filter
* The 2.x release of moderation_dashboard no longer requires panels, page_manager & ctools. Therefore, you should include in your project before upgrading. composer require drupal/panels drupal/page_manager Note: You can remove panels, page_manager & ctools modules later, if you do not use.

Known Issues

Project Usage
Creation Date
Changed Date
Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
The Acquia CMS Common module aims to provide shared functionality for the Acquia CMS ecosystem, not intended for standalone use.
Data Name



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