Module Description
The module provides a select list with optgroups for taxonomy terms selection.
The way how the module implements optgroups depends on Drupal version.
Drupal 8+ Provides an entity reference selection plugin «Taxonomy term selection (with groups)». Drupal 7 Provides a field widget called «Select list (with groups)» to term reference fields. Drupal 6 Alters taxonomy form and converts to optgroups all top-level options in the select list. Note: Chosen module can help you to make select boxes much more user-friendly.
The way how the module implements optgroups depends on Drupal version.
Drupal 8+ Provides an entity reference selection plugin «Taxonomy term selection (with groups)». Drupal 7 Provides a field widget called «Select list (with groups)» to term reference fields. Drupal 6 Alters taxonomy form and converts to optgroups all top-level options in the select list. Note: Chosen module can help you to make select boxes much more user-friendly.
Module Link
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Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to provide a user-friendly way to select taxonomy terms using optgroups in Drupal.
Data Name