Module Description
Number scroller is a simple module that scrolls a number to a defined value. The number scrolling starts once the block is visible in the page upon scrolling. Below are the configurable parameters
* Starting number
* Ending number
* Increment
* Delay (or) speed
Tokens support The Ending number accepts integer tokens, few sample tokens are available in block configuration page.
Block theme Admin can select a theme for the block
* Dark theme
* Light theme
* Custom theme (has 5 fields - background color, font size, font color, text alignment and spacing/padding)
* None
Installation Install the Number Scroller module as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. Visit for further information.
* Navigate to /admin/structure/block
* Click on 'place block' button in any region and place 'Number Scroller block' block
* Under block configurations enter relevant data
* Save block to see the number scroller
Module Link
Project Usage
Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
The Number Scroller module aims to solve the problem of scrolling a number to a defined value on a webpage, with configurable parameters for starting number, ending number, increment, and speed, along with token support and theme selection options for customization.
Data Name