Module Description
Social Auth Roles allows Administrators to use an interface to decide what Roles to automatically assign new users created with Social Auth.
Configuration This modules adds a path /admin/config/social-api/social-auth/roles. You'll see a list of roles existing in your Drupal instance. Select which roles you want assigned new accounts on creation via Social Auth.
Example use case All employees of a company use Google Accounts. You've limited Google login to _JUST_ the company's domain. And when new users are created via Google Accounts, you want them given the Employee role. Any accounts made traditionally via Drupal are not affected by this module.
Social Auth
Configuration This modules adds a path /admin/config/social-api/social-auth/roles. You'll see a list of roles existing in your Drupal instance. Select which roles you want assigned new accounts on creation via Social Auth.
Example use case All employees of a company use Google Accounts. You've limited Google login to _JUST_ the company's domain. And when new users are created via Google Accounts, you want them given the Employee role. Any accounts made traditionally via Drupal are not affected by this module.
Social Auth
Module Link
Project Usage
Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
Automatically assigning roles to new users created with Social Auth
Data Name