Module Description
The Omeda module provides basic Drupal integration to the Omeda API. It will allow you to connect to the API, automatically store comprehensive brand config in state based on a cron run, and configure basic settings such as whether or not you're in testing mode.

* To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes:
* To access the Omeda API documentation, visit

Requirements The encryption module is required, and will be automatically installed when using composer.

Installation Install this module via composer by running the following command:

composer require drupal/omedaConfiguration Configure Omeda in Administration » Configuration » Omeda » Omeda Settings or by going directly to /admin/config/omeda/settings:

* Production API URL This is the API url used when not in test mode.

* Testing API URL This is the API url used when in test mode.

* API Mode This determines whether or not you are in testing mode.

* App ID / API Key This is passed to the API as x-omeda-appid.

* Input ID This is passed to the API as x-omeda-inputid for update calls.

* Brand Abbreviation This is passed as part of the URL for all API calls requiring it.

* Client Abbreviation This is passed as part of the URL for all API calls requiring it.

Basic usage To make API calls, fetch the Omeda service and call submitRequest(), passing the appropriate parameters.

$client = \Drupal::service('omeda')->submitRequest('/comp/*', 'GET')Related Modules
* Omeda Subscriptions
* Omeda Customers

Credits Module development is sponsored by Ashday Interactive Systems.

Project Usage
Creation Date
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Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
The Omeda module aims to solve basic Drupal integration with the Omeda API, including connecting to the API, storing brand config, and configuring settings such as testing mode.
Data Name



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