Module Description
What does this module do? It creates JSON:API Resource for each Views display, allowing for easy consumption of this data outside of Drupal.

When installed the module activates resources for all of your enabled views, you can optionally disable the resource by editing the view.

The URL of the JSON:API Views resource based on your current preview state is displayed while editing a view, this includes filters, pagination and sorts.


Summary of current features
* JSON:API resource per View display: /jsonapi/views/{{ viewId }}/{{ displayId }}
* Pagination: ?page=#
* Exposed filters: ?views-filter[{{ filter }}]={{ value }}
* Contextual filters: ?views-argument[]={{ value }
* Multiple arguments as such ?views-argument[]={{ value }}&views-argument[]={{ value2 }}

* Exposed sorts: ?views-sort[sort_by]={{ sortId }}


Project Usage
Creation Date
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Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module creates JSON:API Resources for each Views display in Drupal, allowing for easy data consumption outside of the platform.
Data Name



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