Module Description
Node Class is a simple module that allows users to add custom CSS classes to any node through the node/add interface. For Drupal 6 only Add the following PHP snippet to your node.tpl.php
<?php print node_class($node) ?> So your new node.tpl.php
<div id="node-<?php print $node->nid; ?>" class="<?php print node_class($node) ?> node<?php if ($sticky) { print ' sticky'; } ?><?php if (!$status) { print ' node-unpublished'; } ?>"> Tutorial: Node class (Video tutorial)
Related Module: Node type class: This module adds class per content type.
<?php print node_class($node) ?> So your new node.tpl.php
<div id="node-<?php print $node->nid; ?>" class="<?php print node_class($node) ?> node<?php if ($sticky) { print ' sticky'; } ?><?php if (!$status) { print ' node-unpublished'; } ?>"> Tutorial: Node class (Video tutorial)
Related Module: Node type class: This module adds class per content type.
Module Link
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Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
Node Class module allows users to add custom CSS classes to any node through the node/add interface in Drupal 6.
Data Name