Module Description
The Advanced Help module provides a framework that allows module and theme developers to provide hierarchical pages with help topics and contextual in-line help within a Drupal site.

It differs from the core Help module by allowing for multiple help topics, and by separating help text from code, instead placing it in separate .html and/or .md-files. These files can be edited by non-programmers, and may be included in the repo and distributed along with the module or theme project.

Main features
The help topics can be placed in an hierarchical book, allowing for top-down navigation, or placed in popups that can be invoked in context.

The help topics can be easily translated simply by copying them into the right translations directory.

The advanced help framework ties into Drupal's search system and can be set to be fully indexed.

Help topics may include images. See “Image examples” is the Advanced Help Example submodule for examples. This is not yet upgraded to Drupal 9/10. Follow this issue: #3299761: [META] Update Advanced Help Example to Drupal 9/10 to track progress.

If there is a or README.txt in the repo, the content of that file may be shown as well.

You must use composer to install the 8.x-1.x branch of the project. To see the exact command line see "Install:" under "Releases" near the bottom of this page.

Currently, this project is in the top 200 of contributed projects, and provides the most used framework for creating contextual in-line help within a Drupal site. Where is it headed?

It has been suggested to create core help-features based upon those provided by Advanced Help. See these issues for background:

* #402404: Use approach like D7 Advanced Help for the Help module
* #2592487: [meta] Help system overhaul

However, eventually another route was picked for Drupal version 8 and later, see next section.

While keeping an eye on these efforts, until further notice, the current team will continue to maintain and develop Advanced Help for all supported versions of Drupal. Full releases for Drupal 7 and Drupal 9 exists. For Drupal 10 there is a tagged alpha release.

When the core framework for creating contextual in-line help and help topics becomes stable, the future of this project will be re-evaluated. If the features provided by a future release of the core is suited replace this project, it will be retired. Hopefully, we shall be able to create some tool to merge existing help texts into such a core framework.

Drupal 8 and later: Help Topics and Tour

* Help Topics is an experimental module intended to replace hook_help.
* The Tour module may be used to provide context-sensitive in-line help by means of popups.

Known problems
This module is incompatible with the Fast 404 module. Installing Fast 404 will produce 404 (File not found) errors if you try to look up README.txt-files. See this issue #2039371: All README.txt links result in 404 Not Found for more information.

Support status
Reported bugs for all supported versions of the project will be fixed in a timely manner (provided the bug report describes how to reproduce the problem at will). Branches compatible with deprecated versions of Drupal core are not supported.

Community support in the form of patches are very welcome for all supported versions, and will be given priority. For QA, the project needs community support in the form of reviews of patches, development versions and releases.

The team hopes that the community is willing to help out by answering & closing support requests.

Please note that the primary goal of the module is to remain light-weight and simple. This means that not all feature requests will be implemented, even if they are a good idea. Feature requests accompanied by patches are more likely to make it into a release.


* merlinofchaos (original creator)
* redndahead
* dmitrig01
* amitgoyal
* fgm
* gisle (current maintainer, all supported versions)
* gnuget (current maintainer, D8)

Project Usage
Creation Date
Changed Date
Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
The Advanced Help module provides a framework for hierarchical pages with help topics and contextual in-line help within a Drupal site.
Data Name



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