Module Description
About Simple Google reCaptcha

Simple Google reCaptcha This module provides Google reCAPTCHA protection for Drupal forms. In comparison to other modules the main goal is to keep configuration as simple as possible, and simple to support following setups/scenarios:

* Caching - support any caching strategies ( Internal page cache, Memcache, Varnish, Purge )
* Multiple instances - support multiple forms rendered on the same page
* Minimum dependencies - avoid dependency of multiple contrib modules, PHP libraries and 3rd party tools

Supported reCAPTCHA types
* reCAPTCHA v2 (checkbox)
* reCAPTCHA v3 (invisible)

Chosen protection type can be configured for any form by adding form ID to configuration, and for any webform by adding reCAPTCHA handler


How to start 1. Installation Run composer to install the module:

$ composer require drupal/simple_recaptcha:^1.0 2. Configuration Navigate to /admin/config/services/simple_recaptcha to set up reCAPTCHA keys and desired reCAPTCHA protection type.

Both keys can be found in Google reCaptcha admin dashboard

3. Permissions This module provides two types of permissions:

* Administer Simple Google reCaptcha - allows user to access configuration page
* Bypass Simple Google reCaptcha verification - allows to skip reCaptcha validation on forms

To configure user permissions visit /admin/people/permissions

4. Add reCaptcha validation to forms Currently there are two ways to add reCaptcha validation to forms:

* By adding form ID of any form at admin/config/services/simple_recaptcha
* By adding reCaptcha handler to the webform - after enabling simple_recaptcha_webform module this can be added in webform handlers settings (/admin/structure/webform/manage/{webform}/handlers ).

For more details and technical description, please check the README file

Project Usage
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Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to provide Google reCAPTCHA protection for Drupal forms with a focus on simplicity, support for various caching strategies, multiple form instances, and minimal dependencies.
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