Module Description
The SAML SP module allows Drupal to function as a Service Provider. This means that users can authenticate to Drupal (without a username or password) via a SAML IDP (Identity Provider) that has been pre-registered with Drupal.
Configuration To configure an IDP, you need:
* The SAML Login URL of the IDP
* The x.509 certificate of the IDP
Alternative modules The SimpleSAMLphp authentication module is similar, but has several differences.
* The simplesaml_php module requires the SimpleSamlPHP framework. The framework is a full-stack framework: you need a vhost, data-storage, docroot, etc. It is not a simple component library.
* The Saml SP module uses the OneLogin PHP-SAML toolkit, which is a minimal component library.
* The Saml SP module only functions as a Service Provider. It won't act as an IDP.
* Saml SP is configured entirely in Drupal (/admin/config/people/saml_sp).
* Saml SP allows multiple IDPs and an API to work with them
* Saml SP has a Drupal Login module which lets users automatically login/register using the Saml SP API
The SAML Authentication module is similar to SAML SP in that it uses the PHP-Saml library
8.x-3.x version This version enables the use of the PHP-Saml 3.0.0 branch of the library to include namespaces. It also includes support for Drupal 9
Installation of the dependencies is covered in README.txt and is managed by Composer.
Installation 7.x-3.x
* Install the module files on your Drupal site
* Checkout the OneLogin PHP-SAML toolkit into sites/all/libraries cd sites/all/libraries git clone .
* Download the XMLSecLibs library from cd site/all/libraries tar xvzf 3.1.1.tar.gz
* Configure the module at admin/config/people/saml_sp.
* Enable the Saml SP Drupal Login module, if you want users to be able to automatically log in via Saml SP authentication.
Configuration To configure an IDP, you need:
* The SAML Login URL of the IDP
* The x.509 certificate of the IDP
Alternative modules The SimpleSAMLphp authentication module is similar, but has several differences.
* The simplesaml_php module requires the SimpleSamlPHP framework. The framework is a full-stack framework: you need a vhost, data-storage, docroot, etc. It is not a simple component library.
* The Saml SP module uses the OneLogin PHP-SAML toolkit, which is a minimal component library.
* The Saml SP module only functions as a Service Provider. It won't act as an IDP.
* Saml SP is configured entirely in Drupal (/admin/config/people/saml_sp).
* Saml SP allows multiple IDPs and an API to work with them
* Saml SP has a Drupal Login module which lets users automatically login/register using the Saml SP API
The SAML Authentication module is similar to SAML SP in that it uses the PHP-Saml library
8.x-3.x version This version enables the use of the PHP-Saml 3.0.0 branch of the library to include namespaces. It also includes support for Drupal 9
Installation of the dependencies is covered in README.txt and is managed by Composer.
Installation 7.x-3.x
* Install the module files on your Drupal site
* Checkout the OneLogin PHP-SAML toolkit into sites/all/libraries cd sites/all/libraries git clone .
* Download the XMLSecLibs library from cd site/all/libraries tar xvzf 3.1.1.tar.gz
* Configure the module at admin/config/people/saml_sp.
* Enable the Saml SP Drupal Login module, if you want users to be able to automatically log in via Saml SP authentication.
Module Link
Project Usage
Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
The SAML SP module aims to enable Drupal to function as a Service Provider, allowing users to authenticate via a pre-registered SAML IDP without the need for a username or password.
Data Name