Module Description
Simple module that provides a block with a single filtered text area where you can add custom markup to be rendered. When you add the block to a region, you specify the markup required and that markup will get rendered as the block content. The block contents are stored entirely in configuration, being ported in the staging process with no additional requirements.

How is this different to a core custom block? This does not create an entity, the markup will be saved as config, so it can be deployed and version controlled.

Where would I use this? You could use it to create a copyright text block, or a button block, anywhere you require some random markup in a block that needs to be in config/version controlled.

Requirements Just Drupal core.

Usage As simple as adding a new custom markup block in any place that allows it, for instance, at the theme block structure ( Structure -> Block layout ).

Related modules Similar modules:

* Simple Block Provides a way for creating static and simple blocks. Only a title and a body allowed, config entities are no "fieldable". Simple blocks are entirely stored in the site configuration, so cannot be managed as content by editors or non-admin users.

* Fixed Block Content Provides a way of having permanent custom content blocks without broken instances if the block does not exist. A new fixed block type acts as a wrapper for the content block. If the custom block disappears, this module will re-create it as a new empty block or with a default content stored in config.

* Recreate Block Content A simpler approach that also solves the broken block content instances. It simply creates a new empty custom block when missing with the same IDs but with no default content.

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Module Summary
This module provides a block with a single filtered text area for adding custom markup to be rendered, stored entirely in configuration for easy staging and version control.
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