Module Description
Adds Views sorting plugins which allow setting weight for each option of the list field or entity bundle.
For instance: You have an entity with a "list" field. Let's call it "Status". There are such available options:
new|New canceled|Canceled approved|Approved need_feedback|Need Feedback
You want to sort View display by these options. But at the top of the list entities with status "Canceled" have to be, the next has to be "New", then "Need Feedback" and the "Approved" at the bottom. This module is able to help you with this! See "How to use" section.
Supported field types:
* "List (text)" - list_string
* "List (integer)" - list_integer
* "List (float)" - list_float
+ Entity Bundle (Type) + User Role
How to use:
* Go to the Views settings form and choose one of the sorting plugins which have "(set weight)" suffix.
* Set weight (integer number) for each of the proposed options
Similar projects and how they are different:
* Views List Sort: offers a similar functionality but doesn't allow to change weight of available options; supports only "list_string" fields; doesn't support "type" (bundle) property.
For instance: You have an entity with a "list" field. Let's call it "Status". There are such available options:
new|New canceled|Canceled approved|Approved need_feedback|Need Feedback
You want to sort View display by these options. But at the top of the list entities with status "Canceled" have to be, the next has to be "New", then "Need Feedback" and the "Approved" at the bottom. This module is able to help you with this! See "How to use" section.
Supported field types:
* "List (text)" - list_string
* "List (integer)" - list_integer
* "List (float)" - list_float
+ Entity Bundle (Type) + User Role
How to use:
* Go to the Views settings form and choose one of the sorting plugins which have "(set weight)" suffix.
* Set weight (integer number) for each of the proposed options
Similar projects and how they are different:
* Views List Sort: offers a similar functionality but doesn't allow to change weight of available options; supports only "list_string" fields; doesn't support "type" (bundle) property.
Module Link
Project Usage
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Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to solve the issue of sorting Views display by setting weights for each option of a list field or entity bundle.
Data Name