Module Description
The Exif module allows you to display Exif metadata on image nodes. Exif is a specification for the image file format used by digital cameras.

Roadmap (order by priority) for drupal 7 & 8 versions:

* Work in Progress (current development in 2.x-dev versions):
* For now node and media are working except title field can not be filled with metadata and date field are not working.
* automated test suite for 8.x branches
* exif_location adaptation to drupal 8
* make vocabulary structure optional (flat vocabulary),
* add a sub module exif_content with some media type and content type

* Followed by :
* integrate with core/imagecache to rotate image from exif data if desired exif rotation will be used by default in browsers : see and
* add support to Views Bulk Operations (VBO)
* update metadata field of image in file (see #766322: Write and Edit EXIF/IPTC)
* migration tool from php extension field names to exiftool field name

Drupal 8 versions
The exif module support the media modules since a long time. The good news for media module users is that this module is now part of the core in version 8.4+ of drupal. The bad news for maintainers is that we have to maintain 2 branches for the drupal 8.x of our own module. One for the media module prior 8.4 and one for the media API included in drupal 8.4. So, for Exif module, versions 8.1.x are decicated to drupal 8.0 to drupal 8.3. The versions 8.2.x are dedicated to drupal 8.4.Note that both module should have the same functionalities so for now the naming convention will ensure that the same minor version means the same functionalities.

Drupal 8.x-2.x versions (drupal 8.4+)
* Future 2.2
* First version of the module to support drupal core 8.4.x. same functionalities as exif 8.x-1.2 except title value from metadata (this is a work in progress).

Drupal 8.x-1.x versions (drupal 8.0->8.3)
* Future 1.3
* exif_location module

* Since 1.2
* fix compatibility with composer
* fix data content not saved on some data type

* Since 1.1
* add capacity to fill the title based on image metadata
* Drush : tree folder import (import images in a folders and sub folders)
* Added several exif field in Photography content/media types
* limit access to settings

* Since 1.0 For now, version 8.x-1.0 behave the same as version 7.x-1.9 with some new features :

* settings of module is fully migrated with two added features:
* A new quick start page has been added to help user to create content related to exif photos in 2 clicks.
* the settings summary are fully implemented

* the exif readonly widget is migrated and evolved to show current values in forms. To have the same behavior as Drupal 7, you should choose the new exif hidden widget.
* it support media_entity
* add a widget to extract all metadata as a HTML table to get same functionality as Drupal 5 Version
* add a widget where fields values are viewable in forms

Note that using media integration, you can not reference images from other sites (the image has to be local) which is not a limitation with node integration as the module is using stream wrappers.

Drupal 7 version
This version allow you to use metadata as text or as taxonomy terms to classify your images. It is highly recommended to update to version 1.8 of the module

New features in stable releases :
* Future 1.10
* exif_location is back thanks to martinjbaker.

* Since 1.9
* support file_entity and node_entity
* support multi-valued image-fields
* support multiupload imagefield widget
* support stream wrappers
* support several new metadata (flash and light informations)

* Since 1.8
* the option 'refresh on update' is finally working as expected.

* Since 1.6
* support for exiftool
* drush integration to update file entity (media module support)

* Since 1.2
* support media 2.0 module (see #1055750: Add Support for the Media Module)
* drush integration to update nodes (see #668690: Drush support for Bulk update of extracted EXIF data)
* support date module (see #1191480: Date field format should match exif spec)

* Since 1.1
* use taxonomy term or simple text
* support several image field on the same node
* Content Translation support (if image are locale specific, metadata should be)

Drupal 6 version
following drupal 6 end of life, the support of the drupal 6 version is ended.

rapsli was the maintainer of the Drupal 6 branch, a complete rewrite of the module to integrate with CCK. See #226703: Drupal 6 version for more infos and this version's current status. Support for

* exif
* iptc
* ifd0
* File informations

About XMP and IPTC extensions

* IPTC extensions are only available as XMP information. This include mostly non technical information like licensing and other extra informations (this include usage rights terms as an example).
* XMP is not supported by PHP Exif library/extension. You have to use the exiftool solution. This is the reason the exiftool alternative implementation was created.
* Before using the exiftool implementation, ensure that all your environments are able to run exiftool.
* libSXMP ( is not maintained since 2010. The integration will be removed in 7.x-1.10, 8.x-1.3, 8.x-2.3

Project Usage
Creation Date
Changed Date
Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
The Exif module solves the problem of displaying Exif metadata on image nodes in Drupal.
Data Name



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