Module Description
This is a simple Drupal module which lets you enable lazy-loading images and iframes.

This module depends on the lazysizes library.

High performance and SEO friendly lazy loader for images (responsive and normal), iframes and more, that detects any visibility changes triggered through user interaction, CSS or JavaScript without configuration.

* Now uses lazysizes library for rich features
* Supports inline-images and inline-iframes (Enabled per text-format)
* Supports image fields with following field formatters:
* Colorbox colorbox
* Image image
* Responsive image responsive_image
* Media Thumbnail media_thumbnail

* Provides a hook_lazy_field_formatters_alter(&$formatters) hook for your theme or module for adding field formatters programmatically.
* Supports native lazy-loading via loading="auto" attribute for Chrome browsers. This option can be disabled in the settings, so that the lazysizes library can be used for all browsers instead.
* Added 2 new (optional) image formatters: Image (Lazy-load) and Responsive image (Lazy-load). These can be very useful with the Views.
* Lazy-loading is automatically disabled for AMP pages.
* Additional paths can be defined to disable lazy-loading.
* Supports upgrading from 8.x-2.0 release.

Installation Download and install like any other module, and library; into modules/contrib/lazy, and libraries/lazysizes folders respectively.

For installing via Composer make sure to read How to use Composer to install Lazy-load module and its dependency

How to use Once installed, you can enable Lazy-loading in 3 different ways:

via text formats
This method enables lazy-loading for inline-images and inline-iframes in Body (formatted, text) fields.

* Open Text formats and editors
* Configure your choice of text formats. i.e. Full HTML.
* Enable the lazy filter labeled as Lazy-load images and iframes

via field formatters
In entity display settings page, edit the image formatters. Supporting image fields display a checkbox in the field formatting settings. Check the box to enable lazy-loading for that image field, for that view mode.

via Form API
See LazyForm.php for a quick example.

Breaking changes since 2.x If you're looking for 8.x-2.x documentation go to 8.x-2.x/

bLazy library replaced with lazysizes. If you customized the bLazy configuration in 8.x-2.x, you should checkout the documentation for code-migration options for lazysizes.

* Lazy-load 8.x-3.x
* Lazy-load 8.x-2.x
* Lazy-load 7.x

Change records for Lazy-load

Project Usage
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Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module solves the issue of enabling lazy-loading for images and iframes in Drupal websites, providing high performance and SEO friendly lazy loading without the need for extensive configuration.
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