Module Description
Integrates (using jQuery) with Drupal. Make available a new "Font Icon Picker" field type.

Unlike other modules project of the community which is limited to offering FontAwesome, this module allows you using a configuration form to enter the path of your own/custom font.

How to install Manual installation

* Download the library from
* Place the library in the root libraries folder (/libraries/fonticonpicker).

Finally, enable "Font Icon Picker" module in the Drupal admin.

Composer-based installation
Method 1 - using composer-merge-plugin (recommended for versions 2.x of the module) This method has the advantage of placing the maintenance of the plugin version on the hands of the module maintainers. To add the composer-merge-plugin, run composer require wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin.

Then, update the extra section of the root composer.json file as follows:

"extra": { "merge-plugin": { "include": [ "[web-root]/modules/contrib/font_iconpicker/composer.libraries.json" ] } } Replace [web-root] with the value of your web root folder (usually web). Run composer require drupal/font_iconpicker fonticonpicker/fonticonpicker, the FontIconPicker library will be installed to the libraries folder automatically.

Method 2 - using a custom repository (required in versions <=1.0.4 of the module) Copy the following into the root composer.json file's repository key.

"repositories": [ { "type": "package", "package": { "name": "fonticonpicker/fonticonpicker", "version": "v3.1.1", "type": "drupal-library", "dist": { "url": "", "type": "zip" }, "require": { "composer/installers": "~1.0" } } } ] Run composer require drupal/font_iconpicker fonticonpicker/fonticonpicker, the FontIconPicker library will be installed to the libraries folder automatically as well.

A requirement message popup in status report if library is not correctly installed.

Next steps
Once the module is installed, you must go to the configuration page of the module to fill in the path of the style sheet of your icon font and you icon class prefix : `/admin/config/user-interface/font-iconpicker`.

A new field type named "font_iconpicker" is now available.

Related jQuery fontIconPicker (MIT license) :This library provides a font iconpicker integration with any font. The library provides 4 themes. You can select them in a configuration form so that the rendering is as close as possible to your site.

Project Usage
Creation Date
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Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to integrate Font Icon Picker with Drupal, allowing users to use their own/custom font icons through a configuration form.
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