Module Description
Introduction This module provides the following features that are not available in Drupal 8+ core bulk form:

* Batching of operations with configurable batch size ensuring no timeouts.
* Simple and well documented API for creating custom actions.
* Preliminary action configuration on the view admin page or directly in view config yaml.
* Simple and well documented API for creating custom actions.
* End-user configuration form implemented with an action class method instead of workaraounds.
* Confirmation step.
* Selection persistent across all view pages.

Release information The main difference between 4.1.x and 4.2.x is that the first one still works with PHP 7.3, while 4.2.x requires PHP 7.4 at least.

Usage After enabling the module, a new global field named "Views bulk operations" will become available in every view. To enable Views Bulk Operations for the view, just add and configure this field, if the core bulk operations field is enabled (for example Node operations bulk form for the "Content" view), that field needs to be replaced with the Views bulk operations field.

Complementary modules
* Views Bulk Edit provides an action to edit selected entity fields' values.
* VBO export allows exporting of the selected view rows to Excel xlsx or csv.
* Push Notifications allows sending customized Push Notifications via Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).
* Courier UI for sending templated messages with token support to selected users.
* VBO Action Kit that contains additional smaller actions both for site builders and to help developers to find reference code. Contributions and ideas welcome

Actions Permissions A module called actions_permissions is included in the package. This module generates a permission for each action, and VBO honors those permissions before showing or executing the corresponding actions. This is useful if you want to provide your VBO to several groups of users with different privileges: the same view will accommodate those different groups, showing to each the actions that they are permitted to see.

Drupal 7 7.x-3.x requires Entity API.

For Drupal 7 also Rules actions can be used.

Complementary modules (Drupal 7)

* Administration Views uses VBO to provide overrides for the standard administration listing pages for nodes, comments, users, and taxonomies.
* Rules can be used to create custom actions to use with Views Bulk Operations. It can also be used to call bulk operation views programmatically.
* Improved Admin provides, well, improved admin pages using VBO.
* Total Control is an administrator dashboard that uses VBO.
* Views Send allows sending mass emails using VBO.
* VBO Context menu provides a context menu for VBO, where all operations available to the VBO show up on right click.
* Views Block in Views Hacks exposes blocks as Views objects that can be administered using a dedicated VBO.
* Language assignment provides an action to change a nodes' language.
* VBO export allows exporting of the selected view rows to Excel xlsx or csv.

Project Usage
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Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to solve the lack of features in Drupal 8+ core bulk form by providing batching of operations, a simple API for custom actions, preliminary action configuration, end-user configuration form, confirmation step, and persistent selection across all view pages.
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