Module Description
This module enhances core link field widget and formatter in order to render a link as Bootstrap button. It has ability to configure style, size, status (if disabled) and target.
Compatible with Drupal 8.8+, 9.x and 10.x (tested on 10.0.0-beta2). That means the module doesn't work with 8.7.x and older versions.
* Link (Drupal core) module
* Bootstrap based theme (for example Bootstrap or Barrio).
* Enhanced Button Link field formatter.
* Enhanced Button Link field widget.
* Configuration form.
* Install as contrib module
* Install and enable theme which supports bootstrap. Or as an option you can load bootstrap library.
* Navigate to Administration > Structure > Content types [Content type to edit] > Manage form display.
* Select the 'Enhanced Button Link' as widget for the Link field. Save changes.
* Navigate to Administration > Structure > Content types [Content type to edit] > Manage display.
* Select the 'Enhanced Button Link' as formatter for the Link field. Save changes.
* Navigate to Administration > Content authoring > Enhanced Button Link Settings to manage available button styles (types) and override options.
* Now it is possible to manage link options to render it as a Bootstrap button.
πΊπ¦ This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers. Please consider supporting Ukraine in a fight for their freedom and safety of Europe.
Compatible with Drupal 8.8+, 9.x and 10.x (tested on 10.0.0-beta2). That means the module doesn't work with 8.7.x and older versions.
* Link (Drupal core) module
* Bootstrap based theme (for example Bootstrap or Barrio).
* Enhanced Button Link field formatter.
* Enhanced Button Link field widget.
* Configuration form.
* Install as contrib module
* Install and enable theme which supports bootstrap. Or as an option you can load bootstrap library.
* Navigate to Administration > Structure > Content types [Content type to edit] > Manage form display.
* Select the 'Enhanced Button Link' as widget for the Link field. Save changes.
* Navigate to Administration > Structure > Content types [Content type to edit] > Manage display.
* Select the 'Enhanced Button Link' as formatter for the Link field. Save changes.
* Navigate to Administration > Content authoring > Enhanced Button Link Settings to manage available button styles (types) and override options.
* Now it is possible to manage link options to render it as a Bootstrap button.
πΊπ¦ This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers. Please consider supporting Ukraine in a fight for their freedom and safety of Europe.
Module Link
Project Usage
Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module enhances core link field widget and formatter to render a link as a Bootstrap button with configurable style, size, status, and target, compatible with Drupal 8.8+, 9.x, and 10.x versions.
Data Name