Module Description
The Extrafield Views Integration Module enables all drupal core extra fields in the system from type display as fields in views.
Drupal 8/9/10 The preferred way of installing the module is using composer: composer require drupal/extrafield_views_integration Once installed, enable the module as usual.
The module does not provide any configuration UI; instead, it provides the ExtrafieldRenderClassInterface interface which you could implement and add a reference to your implementation through the hook_entity_extra_field_info() hook to allow rendering your extra fields via Views.
Please check the README.txt file for details.
Drupal 7 A special greeting to Daniel Wehner, he gave me with his views training (sponsored by comm-press GmbH) the knowledge to write this module.
* Views
* Entity API
For installing the module, just download the source code and enable the module. That's all.
The module itself needs no configuration. The magic stuff happens in the extra field definition. For an example please take a look into the README.txt.
FAQ Please take a look into the README.txt.
πΊπ¦ This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers. Please consider supporting Ukraine in a fight for their freedom and safety of Europe.
Drupal 8/9/10 The preferred way of installing the module is using composer: composer require drupal/extrafield_views_integration Once installed, enable the module as usual.
The module does not provide any configuration UI; instead, it provides the ExtrafieldRenderClassInterface interface which you could implement and add a reference to your implementation through the hook_entity_extra_field_info() hook to allow rendering your extra fields via Views.
Please check the README.txt file for details.
Drupal 7 A special greeting to Daniel Wehner, he gave me with his views training (sponsored by comm-press GmbH) the knowledge to write this module.
* Views
* Entity API
For installing the module, just download the source code and enable the module. That's all.
The module itself needs no configuration. The magic stuff happens in the extra field definition. For an example please take a look into the README.txt.
FAQ Please take a look into the README.txt.
πΊπ¦ This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers. Please consider supporting Ukraine in a fight for their freedom and safety of Europe.
Module Link
Project Usage
Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
The Extrafield Views Integration Module allows all Drupal core extra fields to be displayed as fields in Views.
Data Name