Module Description
Easy Email is an HTML email templating system for Drupal, designed to be as simple as possible to configure, with a robust set of features.

Requirements Easy Email requires a mailer module in order to function. It has currently be tested with the following mailers:

* Symfony Mailer Lite with Mail System
* Symfony Mailer

How Is Easy Email Different From Other Modules? There are a lot of HTML email contrib modules, and some of them are functionally similar to Easy Email. But, they all require a significant amount of work to configure. Many of them also require an in-depth knowledge of how Drupal and email mime processing work. Easy Email tries to take care of all that for you out of the box with sensible defaults, so you can just enable the module, create a template, and then start sending HTML emails without a lot of other configuration. That's the dream, anyway.

Presentation from DrupalCon 2019 The following presentation explains the need for the Easy Email module, plus some comparisons with other solutions:

Features Easy Email templates currently support the following features:

* Token replacement for all fields
* To, CC, and BCC recipients
* Sender name, address, and reply to address
* HTML body with optional “Inbox Preview” text that is designed to be hidden in the email body, but visible in the inbox preview on supported email clients.
* Optional plain text body field, which can entered manually or generated from the HTML body field.
* Dynamic attachments field: use tokens or relative paths to specify attachments
* Email log contains a list of all sent emails, with a full view of what was sent.
* Logged emails are automatically linked to the user accounts they were sent to, making it easy to find all the emails you sent a particular user
* Entity-based architecture means you can use standard lifecycle hooks to alter or extend email processing: hook_entity_presave(), hook_entity_update(), etc.
* Easy Email templates are fieldable, and it’s expected that you will need to add custom fields for most use cases. Example: You have an email template for a Drupal Commerce order, you will need an entity reference field for an order, and then you can use order-derived tokens to address the email to the owner of a specific order.
* Email template preview: you can render a template before actually sending an email
* Drupal mail override system: Makes it easy to override emails sent by Drupal core and other modules with HTML-emails from Easy Email.

Future Features On the roadmap for Easy Email:

* Disable email logging per template. For some sites, it may be too much data to store every email’s content in the database, so make the storage of sent emails optional.
* Purge email log: Add the ability to save only emails in the log newer than XX days to help manage the growth of the data.
* Inline images: This is already supported by Symfony Mailer but we need to make it easy to add them to templates.

Sponsoring Features Is there a feature you wish this module had? An issue that's preventing you from launching your site? Contact Wayne Eaker to sponsor a feature or other work on this module.

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Module Summary
Easy Email is a Drupal module designed to simplify the configuration and sending of HTML emails with sensible defaults, reducing the need for extensive manual setup.
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