Module Description
Pingdom is a provider of website monitoring services. Since 2013, they have run a service called Real User Monitoring. Real User Monitoring allows you to monitor the experience of the real users who browse your site, allowing you to track if your site loads slowly at particular times / from particular geographical locations / loading particular URLs / with particular browsers / etc. The data gained can then help with troubleshooting the way a website is designed.

Module unsupported (hopefully temporarily)
In order to maintain this module, I rely on Pingdom to grant me access to the RUM feature so that I can test any changes before pushing them out to releases.

They used to give me a RUM enabled account for this purpose. Since SolarWinds took over Pingdom, they only do so one year at a time. My account has expired, and they stopped replying to my emails asking for its renewal over a year ago. I am therefore marking the module as "unsupported"; for the time being, I am not able to test possible changes and so to maintain the module. If anyone with an active Pingdom account wishes to volunteer to co-maintain, please get in touch.

What this module does
When you sign up for the Pingdom RUM service, you are given a Javascript snippet to paste into the HEAD section of the website you wish to monitor.

This module inserts that code for you.

Version Compatibility
The 7.x-1.x branch of this module embedded the Javascript Pingdom's first generation Real User Monitoring, which is no longer in use. All Drupal 7 sites should now use the 7.x-2.x branch. The 2.0.x version of this module embeds the Javascript snippet on Drupal 8 and 9 sites.

Finding the project identifier
To use this module, you need to find the 24-character hexadecimal string that is the unique identifier for your project. You can find this in two ways.

* Go to, where there is a link to your RUM project(s). The last part of the URL for your project is your project identifier. For example, if your project is managed from, then your project Id is 0123456789abcdef01234567.
* Look at the Javascript snippet that Pingdom ask you to insert. Say they ask you to insert // and, again, 0123456789abcdef01234567 would be your project identifier.

Having found your project identifier, upload the module into your modules directory, and enable the module on your Drupal installation.

Then go to /admin/config/services/pingdom. There is a box to enter the project identifier you found earlier. Save the settings page, and the Pingdom RUM javascript code will now appear in the HEAD section of every page on your site.

You can verify this is working by viewing the source of a page on your website. Near the top of the HEAD section, you should see the Javascript Pingdom gave you to insert.

You can then go to your Real User Monitor project on Pingdom, and choose the "real time" monitoring option. Visits to your webpage should come through in real time.

Finer control
You may not want the Pingdom RUM code appearing on every page of your website. The settings page allows you to specify the pages you want the code to appear on, or to specify that the code will be inserted on every page except the ones you list. You can use wildcards, so "admin*" will make sure that the Pingdom RUM code does not appear anywhere in the admin section.

You can also specify particular user roles for which you want the Pingdom RUM code to appear / not appear. For example, if you only want Pingdom monitoring anonymous page views, you would specify that you only want the Anonymous role to be monitored. Logged-in visitors to your site would then not be monitored.

The issue queue is monitored for support requests. This module's task is simply to insert the Javascript given you by Pingdom into the right place. If that isn't working, please search the issue queue of this module for similar problems, and then open a new issue.

If the Javascript code is being inserted correctly, but you are having problems getting your pageviews to be monitored by Pingdom, you need to contact Pingdom's support. If Pingdom's support team say that the problem is because of the way the code appears in your HTML, then by all means open an issue.

All support in the issue queue is by volunteers in the Drupal community, so please be patient!

Project Usage
Creation Date
Changed Date
Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module inserts the Pingdom Real User Monitoring Javascript code into the HEAD section of a website for monitoring user experience.
Data Name



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