Module Description
Memory limit policy is a base module to override the default php memory_limit based on various constraints.

Some pages break because these are too heavy to generate? A user role has access to some interfaces displaying complex entities? With memory limit policy you can override the default php memory_limit for these situation only without doing it for all the pages. It provides a UI for non-developers to configure new memory overrides. Constraints can be combined to fit "complex" situation such as overriding the memory_limit only for one path, if it has a specific query argument and if the current visitor has a specific role.

This module comes with some default policies which can simply be enabled and configured:

* Path: Apply the memory limit override based on the current path (wildcard support).
* Role: Apply the memory limit override based on the current user's role.
* Query: Apply the memory limit override based on the value of a query argument in the url
* HTTP method: Apply the memory limit override based on the current request's HTTP method.
* Route: Apply the memory limit override based on the current route's name.
* Drush: Apply the memory limit override based on the drush command being executed.

For developers, this module uses the plugin approach which means it is very easy to write your own plugin to fit your custom and specific case.

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Covered By Security Advisory
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Module Summary
Memory limit policy module aims to solve the issue of overriding the default php memory_limit based on various constraints for specific pages or user roles, providing a UI for non-developers to configure new memory overrides.
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