Module Description
The entity reports module provide users with insights about the entity type structure of a Drupal installation through an entry in the /admin/reports menu.
1. Field structure for any entity (Node, Taxonomy term, File, Media, Paragraph, User, Menu and other entities) 2. Report includes: Field (machine) name, description, type, required, cardinality, translatable flag, target entity reference. 3. Customisable report includes reordering, and show/hide fields from the output file
Drupal 8+ features
1. Exports their structure in JSON, XML and CSV file formats for use with different tools
1. Field structure for any entity (Node, Taxonomy term, File, Media, Paragraph, User, Menu and other entities) 2. Report includes: Field (machine) name, description, type, required, cardinality, translatable flag, target entity reference. 3. Customisable report includes reordering, and show/hide fields from the output file
Drupal 8+ features
1. Exports their structure in JSON, XML and CSV file formats for use with different tools
Module Link
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Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
The entity reports module aims to provide insights about the entity type structure of a Drupal installation through a customizable report in the /admin/reports menu.
Data Name