Module Description
This is a very light weight module and help to validate node titles with min/max characters, blocklist special characters/words and unique node titles.
Validating the node title by
* Special characters/Words blocklist
* Length (optionally specify min and / or max length)
* Unique node titles(for specific content type)
* #2623616: Limit by words count
Validating the node title by
* Special characters/Words blocklist
* Length (optionally specify min and / or max length)
* Unique node titles(for specific content type)
* #2623616: Limit by words count
Module Link
Project Usage
Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to solve the validation of node titles by blocking special characters/words, setting length limits, ensuring unique titles for specific content types, and potentially limiting by word count.
Data Name