Module Description
Goal of this module is to provide a generic entity browser/picker/selector. It can be used in any context where one needs to select few entities and do something with them.
Possible use cases:
* Powerful entity reference widget
* Embedding entities into wysiwyg.
* You name it!
Documentation Please feel free to contribute to the documentation.
Examples Entity browser comes with an example module that can be used as a starting point.
There is also File entity browser module that creates a nice widget that allows you to upload files and select from file library. It uses standard entity browser plugins and does some tweaks and theming on top of that.
Integrations Entity browser integrates with Inline entity form. See documentation for more info.
List of available plugins Displays
* Standalone (part of main module)
* iFrame (part of main module)
* Modal (part of main module)
Widget selectors
* Dropdown (part of main module)
* Tabs (part of main module)
* Single widget (part of main module)
* File upload (part of main module)
* Media entity image upload
* Views (part of main module)
* DropzoneJS file upload
* DropzoneJS media entity image upload
* Entity form (submodule in main repo)
* Woodwing Elvis DAM
* Bynder
Selection displays
* No display (part of main module)
* Multi-step display (part of main module)
Modules that use Entity browser
* File entity browser
* Content browser
* Media entity browser
* Media
* Entity browser enhanced
Development Check roadmap meta issue in order to see what current focus of development is.
Our fancy logo was created by David Ličen.
The previous Drupal 7 module has been moved to Entity Type Browser module
Possible use cases:
* Powerful entity reference widget
* Embedding entities into wysiwyg.
* You name it!
Documentation Please feel free to contribute to the documentation.
Examples Entity browser comes with an example module that can be used as a starting point.
There is also File entity browser module that creates a nice widget that allows you to upload files and select from file library. It uses standard entity browser plugins and does some tweaks and theming on top of that.
Integrations Entity browser integrates with Inline entity form. See documentation for more info.
List of available plugins Displays
* Standalone (part of main module)
* iFrame (part of main module)
* Modal (part of main module)
Widget selectors
* Dropdown (part of main module)
* Tabs (part of main module)
* Single widget (part of main module)
* File upload (part of main module)
* Media entity image upload
* Views (part of main module)
* DropzoneJS file upload
* DropzoneJS media entity image upload
* Entity form (submodule in main repo)
* Woodwing Elvis DAM
* Bynder
Selection displays
* No display (part of main module)
* Multi-step display (part of main module)
Modules that use Entity browser
* File entity browser
* Content browser
* Media entity browser
* Media
* Entity browser enhanced
Development Check roadmap meta issue in order to see what current focus of development is.
Our fancy logo was created by David Ličen.
The previous Drupal 7 module has been moved to Entity Type Browser module
Module Link
Project Usage
Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to provide a generic entity browser/picker/selector for selecting entities in various contexts.
Data Name