Module Description
A modeller for ECA solely built on top of Drupal core and ECA core.

Have a look at the README regards how to install and using it.

The Core modeller directly exposes the structure of an ECA configuration, and does not add its own structures on top of it. Therefore this solution can be seen as a "low-level" modelling tool, that may fit well for creating simple execution chains. This makes it also suitable as a fallback, just in case something is wrong with a more powerful modelling tool.

How to use Once installed, you can create a new core model at /admin/config/workflow/eca/add/core.

* In that model form, you first need to create an event.
* Then you can create an action, and optionally a condition.
* Finally, you need to connect the action (and condition) as a successor to the event, by navigating back to the created event, and add the successor at the bottom of the event configuration form. You must click on the save button in order to persist your configuration changes.

Connecting the components between each other is the main key to define the execution chain with ECA. When you create more actions that need to be executed after a certain event or action, don't forget to add it as successor.

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Module Summary
This module aims to solve the need for a low-level modelling tool for creating simple execution chains in ECA configurations on Drupal core.
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