Module Description
Provides Stripe integration with Drupal. All are welcome to help out.

Drupal 8/9 Version 2.x is a complete refactor of 8.x-1.0. There's no upgrade between major versions. It now uses the new PaymentsIntent API of stripe which is the current recommended way of handling payments which adds support for more current features like SCA and PaymentRequests. More things are handled client-side now.

For an up to date documentation of the 2.x please read its file.

Version 8.x-1.x uses the old Charges API.

Since the module requires an external library, Composer must be used.

composer require "drupal/stripe"

The Drupal 8 version has been started from scratch. The idea is to keep this module simple providing the common Drupal elements that can be used by other contrib modules. New features can be added but following the same idea of being the API that other contribs can use.

Current features

* Exposes a new "Stripe" render element, using Stripe Elements
* Webhooks support triggering a Drupal Event that can be leveraged by contrib modules.
* Global configuration of Stripe test/live API keys.

Contrib based on this module

* Stripe Webform integration - Allows to create simple, yet powerful donation/subscription forms.

Drupal 7 This currently is very basic. There's a simple form for testing purposes, that will charge a card. This is not ready for production environments! See the Roadmap to 1.0 here.

Current features

* Provides a new "Stripe Payment" form element type
* Webhooks integration
* Global configuration of Stripe test/live API keys
* Includes submodule for integration with Payment
* Integrates between Drupal users and Stripe Customers.
* Rules Events fired when a customer is updated or created
* Token replacements for Customer ID, Default Source, and other properties.
* Views integration between User accounts and Customer fields
* hook_customer_stripe_info() allows other modules to add properties to Stripe Customer object during create/update

Getting started

* Create a Stripe Account if you don't have one already.
* Download the latest Stripe PHP API Library into sites/all/libraries/stripe-php
* Enter the API keys from your Stripe Account into the Stripe Settings form (admin/config/stripe/settings)

After this is cleaned up some, we plan to make separate modules that integrate with Commerce, Pay and Ubercart.

NOTE: The stripe_commerce module that used to ship with this module has been removed. Work is taking place to make Commerce Stripe (3.x) the replacement, but as of this commit, both modules can be installed alongside each other; however, they do not yet share any Stripe data with each other.

Modules that extend Stripe

Stripe Subscription
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Module Summary
This module aims to solve the integration of Stripe with Drupal, providing features such as Stripe Elements render element, Webhooks support, global configuration of API keys, and integration with other contrib modules.
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