Module Description
Fragments are re-usable bits of content. Examples could include "tips" that are displayed on various pages, or locations to be shown in a table overview. It is highly dependent on your application whether fragments are a good fit. In some cases standard nodes will be more appropriate (in general, when each item will need its own page in addition to where ever it is shown), in others custom blocks might serve you better (be aware of the limited control over permissions core blocks currently offers, though). However, in some cases, neither nodes nor blocks are appropriate; Fragments fills a gap between these two solutions. Fragments are similar to Paragraphs, but where Paragraphs are bound to their host entity (and revisioned along with it), fragments are meant to be re-used and potentially update the same bit of content across many pages. Fragments are fieldable and revisionable.

Required modules Drupal 9+
On the latest versions of Drupal, you do not need any additional modules. See the section Recommended modules for some modules that can make this solution sing.

Drupal 7
On Drupal 7, you will need several modules to use Fragments.

Entity API As most entity-heavy modules.

Administration Views Fragments' admin screen uses this module.

Views Bulk Operations Fragments' admin screen uses this module.

X Autoload The module relies on this module to include its classes in a Drupal 8-like way.

Entity Reference Although not technically a requirement (i.e. your site will not break if you install Fragments without Entity Reference), Fragments's use is extremely limited without it. Entity Reference is the basic method with which you associate Fragments to e.g. nodes in order to display them on a page for end users. With that said, please report any other uses you might find for Fragments that do not require Entity Reference (if that sounds like a challenge, it is).

Recommended modules Views Bulk Operations
On Drupal 7 this is a requirement, on Drupal 8 this is highly recommended. With this module available, an alternative admin screen will be installed with filtering, sorting and, of course, bulk operations.

Inline Entity Form
Inline Entity Form offers a entity reference widget that will display a form to create a new Fragment inline in e.g. the node form where you reference Fragments. In certain uses cases you may want to enforce the need to create a Fragment separately, but in many cases it is extremely conventient to be able to create a new Fragment on the fly, right where you need it.

Automatic Entity Label
Every Fragment needs a label to identify it in the interface, but in many cases you do not want to tie this to a title displayed to users (i.e. two Fragments may need the same title on your site's frontend, but editors still need a way to distinguish them). So, you end up adding a Display Title field. This module will help to set things up so editorial users only need to fill in the display title in most cases, but still have the option to override the administrative label when needed.

Entity View Modes
(Drupal 7 only; Drupal 8 has this functionality built in). Fragments have a single view mode, full. In many cases, that's all you'll need, but if you need to display the same Fragment type in different ways, this module will allow you to create additional View Modes.

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Module Summary
Fragments module fills a gap between nodes and blocks by providing re-usable and fieldable content that can be updated across multiple pages, similar to Paragraphs but without being bound to a specific host entity.
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