Module Description
Easily display tweets filtered by Twitter handle, timeline, or search term in a Drupal block. You can control how many tweets should display and whether to include replies or retweets.

A single set of Twitter app credentials is used site-wide, but each block instance can display different tweets with different display settings.

This module uses the application only (read-only access to public information) via the Twitter API.

By design, theming is minimal. Developers are expected to customize the display via their chosen theme.


* You first need a Twitter App. Sign in to Twitter and go to . Copy the "key" and "secret" associated with your new app.
* After installing the module in Drupal, go to Configuration > Media > Twitter Widgets (admin/config/media/twitter_profile_widget). Enter the Twitter App key and secret you created in step 1.
* Go to Admin > Structure > Block Layout > Custom Block Library > Add custom block (/block/add) and create one or more widgets.

Staying secure
Your Twitter app consumer key and consumer secret will be stored in a Drupal configuration entity. If using version control and configuration management, use a tool such as config_ignore and config_exclude to prevent exposing your Twitter app credentials, or a Drupal core solution such as $settings['config_exclude_modules'].

For non-UI management & deployment across environments, consider referencing these credentials through the filesystem, either through reference via settings.php or the equivalent:

$path = 'sites/default/files/private/twitter.json'; if (file_exists($path)) { $json_text = file_get_contents('sites/default/files/private/twitter.json'); $twitter_widget = json_decode($json_text, TRUE); $config['twitter_profile_widget.settings']['twitter_widget_key'] = $twitter_widget['twitter_widget_key']; $config['twitter_profile_widget.settings']['twitter_widget_secret'] = $twitter_widget['twitter_widget_secret']; }
Project Usage
Creation Date
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Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to solve the problem of easily displaying filtered tweets by Twitter handle, timeline, or search term in a Drupal block, with the ability to customize display settings for each block instance using a single set of Twitter app credentials site-wide.
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