Module Description
This module provides views migrate from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 or Drupal 10.

Steps for Using Views Migration Module without terminal
* Config your drupal 6 or drupal 7 database in Drupal upgrade /upgrade page
* Then goto Administration > Structure > Migrations > Views Migration /admin/structure/migrate/manage/views_migration/migrations page
* Then Execute migration in your UI :)

Steps for Using Views Migration Module
* Config your drupal 6 or drupal 7 database in Drupal upgrade /upgrade page
* check with drush migrate:status in your terminal
* Import Drupal 7 views with drush migrate:import d7_views_migration
* Migrate Using View ID for Drupal 7 views Now Views migration import & rollback with --idlist=view-machine-name Rollback Command: drush mr d7_views_migration --idlist=events,event_list Import Command: drush mim d7_views_migration --idlist=events,event_list
* Import Drupal 6 views with drush migrate:import d6_views_migration

☷ Issues ✅ File an issue about this project Please make sure all views plugin dependency modules are installed.

Like below.

* views slideshow - Provide Style plugin for slideshow
* weight - Provide field plugin for weight
* draggableviews - Provide field plugin for draggable weight
* views_bulk_operations - Provide field plugin for views bulk operation form
* views_data_export - Provide display & style plugin for views
* metatag_views - Provide metatags settings for views pages
* Better Exposed Filters - Provide a plugin for exposed_form.
* etc..

Project Usage
Creation Date
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Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to solve the task of migrating views from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 or Drupal 10.
Data Name



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