Module Description
Overview: -------- The Social Timeline module lets you retrieve status/posts/videos/images from different social networks in a timeline format from the newest to the oldest.

3rd Party Requirements: ------------ MUST READ: You need to purchase the jQuery Social Timeline plugin:


It is currently $7. I did not create that plugin, I only ported it for use with Drupal, I do NOT make any money off of this whatsoever. If you have issues with newer releases of the jQuery plugin please try an older version. The creator of that plugin does not work with me in any way and does not want to be involved in this whatsoever so I am forced to wait for his releases and try and upgrade based on them. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Module Dependencies: ------------ Libraries 2.x

Features: --------- * Get status/posts/videos/ images from differents accounts in the same social network * Twitter, Facebook Page, Youtube, Delicious, Flickr, Dribbble, Digg, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, Google+, Lastfm * Retrieve Youtube videos using search keywords. * Retrieve tweets using a hashtag. * Different display styles. * Limit the number of Feeds to retrieve. * Add multiple custom feeds * Show/Hide Social Icons. * Social Filter Support. * Cross Browser Support. * Simple to Customize. * Full Documentation. * Demo examples included.

Installation: ------------ 1. Download and unpack the Social Timeline module directory in your modules folder (this will usually be "sites/all/modules/"). 2. You need to purchase the jQuery Social Timeline plugin ($6, I did not create or sell it): 3. Unpack it to sites/all/libraries/social-timeline. 4. Go to "Administer" -> "Modules" and enable the module.

Configuration: ------------- Go to "Configuration" -> "Social Timeline" to find all the configuration options.

You will want to setup the configuration before placing the Social- Timeline block

Set Twitter Credentials

* Add a new Twitter application
* Fill in Name, Description, Website, and Callback URL (don't leave any blank) with anything you want
* Agree to rules, fill out captcha, and submit your application
* Click the button "Create my access token" and then go to the OAuth tab.
* Copy the Consumer key, Consumer secret, Access token and Access token secret into the files in the libraries folder: twitter_oauth/user_timeline.php and twitter_oauth/search.php

Set Facebook Credentials

* Add a new facebook application
* Create a new App and fill the form
* Copy the App ID and App Secret into the files in the libraries folder: facebook_auth/facebook_page.php

Set Instagram Credentials

* Add a new Instagram application
* You will find the client ID in
* Copy the Client ID into the files in the libraries folder: instagram_auth/instagram.php and instagram_auth/instagram_hash.php

Set YouTube Credentials

* Create/Select a project in the Google Console
* In the API & Auth link on the sidebar make sure YouTube Data API is on.
* In the Credentials link on the sidebar create a new key and select Browser key type.
* Copy the API key into the files in the libraries folder: youtube_auth/youtube.php

IMPORTANT: The 7.x-1.7 release included a lot of bug fixes. If you haven't updated yet, do it!
Please make sure you are using a jQuery version higher than 1.5. Use the jQuery Update module: 1.7 is recommended.

For version 7.x-1.6 and above:

The new version of the jQuery Social Timeline plugin does not support Colorbox anymore, it is using something called MagnificPopup. This is included in the plugin when you purchase it and there is nothing extra you need to do. This is bittersweet as it means you don't need to install the Colorbox module and library but it's also not as appealing out of the box. You may customize it using your own CSS however.

If you are using version 7.x-1.6 or above of this module please make sure you have the latest jQuery Social Timeline plugin if you want to use a lightbox/modal.

Usage: The Social Timeline module has two parts to it, the configuration page and the block that is provided on the Structure -> Blocks page. Once you configure the module on the configuration page: Configuaration -> Social- Timeline, you can then go to the Blocks page and place the jQuery Social- Timeline block in a region of your choosing.

Drupal 8
I have created a Drupal 8 dev release. Please try it and test it out if you are curious. It provides more flexibility than the Drupal 7 version. You can create as many blocks as you want, each with it's own configuration.

When you purchase the jQuery plugin extract it to the Social Timeline module root in a folder called "library". Set the credentials as described above.

Project Usage
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Version Available
Module Summary
The Social Timeline module aims to solve the problem of retrieving and displaying status/posts/videos/images from various social networks in a timeline format, ranging from the newest to the oldest.
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