Module Description
Stemmer service built with PHP Stemmer, supporting: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Romanian, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish. The ^2.0 version uses version 2 of the stemmer and will automatically support other languages it adds, this already includes Catalan.

Works with Search API, you just need to enable the processor, and core search which will work on reindexing after installation.

The module uses composer to add the required library, so must be installed using it. If you're not using it yet check the composer Drupal documentation.

Drupal 8 alternatives include:

* The English only stemmer processor included with Search API
* English Porter-Stemmer module for core search
* Using Search API Solr which includes Solr native configuration for stemming and much more. If you are using Solr this is probably your best option.

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Module Summary
This module aims to solve the need for a Stemmer service supporting multiple languages in Drupal, using version 2 of the stemmer and automatically adding support for additional languages, including Catalan.
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