Module Description
The Estimated Read Time module adds a new field type that calculates the time it takes to read that entity's content. The read time is calculated based on the content displayed in a selected view mode.

There are other modules that exist with similar functionality. However, most of them are using psuedo-fields and global settings where fields are selected to be included in the read time estimate. This module's usage of a field and view mode has some advantages that includes:

* Calculating the read time based on a selected view mode allows this module to be more accurate when using layout builder. Only using fields on the entity will leave out any inline blocks that could meaningfully contribute to the read time.
* The settings can be modified on a per field basis. This makes it possible to choose what content is included in the read time calculation for each entity.
* The calculated read time will be saved to the database. Any time it takes to calculate the read time will be performed when the content is saved.
* Using a field instead of a psuedo-field allows for standard hooks and views usage.

Other Modules
* Node Read Time
* Read Time
* Entity Read Time

Live Example This blog post on displays a read time from this module.

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Module Summary
The Estimated Read Time module calculates the time it takes to read an entity's content based on a selected view mode, providing more accurate results and flexibility in content inclusion for each entity.
Data Name



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