Module Description
Building a Calendar in Drupal is now as easy as configuring a View!

Want a quick demo? Visit the static demo site (disclaimer: pagination/filter/search are not functional because this demo site is static).

This module is a lightweight solution to display a calendar table from any View results.

Zero dependencies. No JavaScript required.

Compatible with any entity type and with most-used modules such as Date range, Smart Date, recurring dates and multi value fields too.

It respect the default View rendering, either using fields or rendered entity. You have total control hover the results display.


* Ajax navigation by month/week (e.g. custom pagers)
* Support one or several date fields across one or all bundles
* Support any date field type: datetime, datetime_range, timestamp, created, changed and smart_date
* Supports recurring events (e.g. smart_date_recur), unlimited field value and multiple day events

Featured in Talking Drupal Module of the week #324. Watch the review on YouTube.


* Create or edit a View
* Add date field(s) in Fields (exclude them from display if you want)
* Select the "Calendar" style in format
* Select the date field(s) to use as source(s) in calendar settings
* Configure the rest of the calendar settings (e.g. first day of the week...etc)
* Under "Pager", select "Navigation by month"
* Under "Advanced", select "Use ajax"
* Save and enjoy the view! 🎉

For large set of results, you can use filters as you would usually do in Views. The trick is to use offset in the value. The Calendar plugin will convert these values relative to the current timestamp. In other words, for a Calendar by week, you can have a field_date_range:value value greater or equal to last week and field_date_range:end_value less or equal to next week.

Read the full documentation here.


* If you use a date field from a relationship you'll need to add the field to the View. You can exclude the field from display but it needs to be placed.
* Not really compatible with grouping🤷 although View display won't break but might be empty. It needs further testing and feedback.

Recommended modules

* Smart Dates to easily create advanced date values including date range and other recurring events. A great module extending Drupal core date functionalities.
* Bookable Calendar, a very easy to use Bookable Calendar module.
* Tooltip to display anything you want in a tooltip on mouse hover. The best module to improve your Calendars frontend with dynamic information.

Similar modules

* Calendar module for a deeper/more complex integration
* Fullcalendar View for a JavaScript-based solution
* Fullcalendar module

Slack channel
Join me in Slack in the #calendar-view channel! Details on how to connect to Drupal Slack here

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Module Summary
This module aims to provide a lightweight solution to display a calendar table from any View results in Drupal, with zero dependencies and no JavaScript required, compatible with various entity types and popular modules, offering features like Ajax navigation, support for recurring events, and easy configuration through Views settings.
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