Module Description
Field States UI allows sites builders with minimal PHP/Dev skills to configure the Field States API. This lets you configure a field to for example hide if another field has a certain value or hasn't been filled. While doing it via PHP can be more powerful the UI can be very handy and speed development.

Requirements/Versions This module requires no modules outside of Drupal core.

* 3.x Recommended/Supported version. Requires Drupal 9.2+/10+.
* 8.x-2.x Recommended version for old Drupal installs, but updating heartily recommended

Installation Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. For further information, see Installing Drupal Modules

Usage Configure a field

* Configuration can be accessed per field instance wherever that field display is usually configured. For example fields on the Node type Article would be at /admin/structure/types/manage/article/form-display.
* Use the contextual gear icon to edit the field.
* There is now a Manage Fields States fieldset, select a new state, configure, click 'Add' and Save.
* Save the Form Display

Field Types/Widgets
Due to various array structures, specific widgets/fields need to handled specifically for each field at least. Many fields are the same structure for all widgets and are not documented except in the code. Unrecognized widgets and field types will attempt to be handled but some will be logged to the dblog in cases that Field States UI is unsure. Please report those to the issue queue. Currently more than 50 field widgets covering more than 30 fields type from core and various contrib modules are supported.

* Core fields - 22 fields
* Address - 3 field types
* Chosen - 1 field widget
* Color Field - 1 field type
* Entity Reference Revisions - 1 field type
* Geofield - 1 field type
* Inline Entity Form - 3 field widgets
* Layout Fields - 1 field widget
* Markup - 1 field type
* Paragraphs - 2 field widgets
* Smart Date - 1 field type
* Select2 - 2 field widgets
* ViewsReference - 1 field type
* Webform - 1 field type
* Youtube - 1 field type

Any questions? Ask away on the issue queue or email: Nick Dickinson-Wilde -

Project Usage
Creation Date
Changed Date
Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
Field States UI module aims to solve the problem of configuring the Field States API for Drupal sites with minimal PHP/Dev skills, allowing fields to be configured to hide based on certain conditions without the need for complex coding.
Data Name



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