Module Description
Allows you to add social sharing buttons to your website.

This module generates a block, a node field, and a paragraph field so you can choose how and where you add social sharing buttons on your website.

Why yet another module for social sharing buttons? Because most or even all existing modules seem to make a lot of external calls, have tracker scripts, or even connect to ad servers. This is a clean solution without any of that bloatware.

Most social platforms have a sharing link you can use to share content. The buttons of this module directly open those links in a new tab without having to call any other api, service, website, or script. This provides for a very clean and fast bloatware free solution.

If any of those services make changes to their url's then yes, this module will need to be updated as well. Simply create an issue if you find a sharing button no longer working and it will be updated as soon as possible.

There is a settings form where you can set which services you would like to use:

* Facebook
* Twitter
* Whatsapp
* Facebook Messenger (requires a Facebook App ID)
* Email
* Pinterest
* Linkedin
* Digg
* Slashdot
* Tumblr
* Reddit
* Evernote

You can also adjust these settings for the icons:

* size
* border-radius

And there are 2 icon sets to choose from:

* Colored square icons (you can adjust the border radius, even making them rounded by setting border radius to 100%)
* Flat icons no color or background, (you can give these any color you want by using the fill property via css)

All svgs are minified and the module uses an svg sprite so there is only a one time resource load needed to further decrease the (already small) resource footprint of this module.

This module has no module requirements to work, but:

* It shares node title and url, so use it on node entities
* If you want to add the buttons via a field, you must enable the field in the configuration. The field display will use the set configuration values.
* You can easily place the block in any node twig file using twig_tweak module (see instructions below)


* require the repository: composer require drupal/better_social_sharing_buttons --prefer-dist
* enable the module: drush en better_social_sharing_buttons -y
* modify settings at admin/config/services/better_social_sharing_buttons/config
* place the buttons where you want using the block, node field, paragraph field or directly in a twig file (see description below)

Add social sharing buttons via twig (Twig Tweak module v2.0 or higher) Twig Tweak version 2.0 and above can print blocks that are not instantiated by using the block id:

{{ drupal_block("social_sharing_buttons_block") }}

*NOTE: This module was initially meant to be used on node detail pages because it gets the title and url for sharing from the current node.

Add social sharing buttons via a block In admin/block you can add a block (Better Social Sharing Buttons block)

Add social sharing buttons via a field This module also provides a field (Better Social Sharing Buttons field) through a pseudo field. To see this field, you must enable the feature in the configuration and then adjust the display mode of your nodes. When the feature is enabled, the field is enabled for all content types. You will need to adjust it for each content type as desired.

Upgrade from 2.x version If you used the Display Suite field, you will need to enable the field feature and then adjust as needed. There is no direct migration of the Display Suite settings. The Display Suite field is no longer supported in version 3.0 and greater.

The block ID has changed, so check the code above if you include your block via twig.

Recommended Modules Metatag Some sharing services require the presence of specific metatags in your page and the data cannot be sent purely from a link. The Metatag Module includes all of these required tags. See Metatag's project page for usage information.
Project Usage
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Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to provide a clean and bloatware-free solution for adding social sharing buttons to a website, directly opening sharing links without external calls or tracker scripts.
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