Module Description
Block tabs, this module provide basic tabs function for Drupal.

Different from quicktabs module:

* quicktabs do not have a workable version in Drupal 8 when this module created, this module provide Drupal8 version only.
* Deep integration with Drupal8's API, Plugin, Block, Entity and Config API.
* Provide simple tabs funtions, you can control the CSS by your self.
* base on jquery.ui.tabs.
* Support import/export blocktabs using Config API.
* Tab type using Plugin system, it is very easy to extend.
* Support "Mouse over" and "Click" Event.
* Support vertical tabs/accodion style.

How to use it

* 1, add a blocktabs at admin/structure/blocktabs, for example "Blocktabs test"
* 2, add views tab to "Blocktabs test", add custom block content tab to "Blocktabs test", it support "views tab", "block content tab", "block plugin tab"
* 3,navigate to admin/structure/block/list/bartik, click the "Place block" button, you could see "Blocktabs: Blocktabs Test", you can use it now.
* 4,you could use it on panels config page.

2.0.x version

* The theme code removed. Replace with SDC(Single Directory Components) component.
* jQuery ui dependencies removed. Move it to a separate module blocktabs_jquery_ui, if you update from 8.x-1.0, you need install this module to make it easy.
* Include a sub module, blocktabs_bootstrap, you need load bootstrap js and css in your theme to make it work, it works with Bootstrap5 Barrio, other bootstrap version not tested.
* option event,style removed, if you need mouseover event, you could override the component in your theme.
* Provide a SDC component for block tabs is easy:1) make the input exactly the same with tabs-basic, 2) add "group=blocktabs" in your component.yml file.
* SDC module is experimental, there are still a lot of bugs with it.

Project Usage
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Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
Blocktabs module aims to provide basic tabs functionality for Drupal 8, with deep integration with Drupal's API and support for custom CSS control, tab types, import/export capabilities, and event options.
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