Module Description
Replicate module provides an API to duplicate / clone an entity.

Basics Replicate provides a main cloning function, along with several hooks to control exactly how a field or entity is duplicated based on its type, add info after cloning, and supports custom fields and entities. It is intended to developers and does not contain any GUI (a dedicated module is available).

The goal is to provide a way to easily clone any entity, and to allow developers to be able to control exactly how entities are replicated, based on their type or the fields they contain, and to be able to easily extend the replication control to custom fields or entities.

But there already is a Node Clone module! The Node Clone module focus on cloning using the administration interface and is designed only for nodes replication, whereas Replicate can clone any entities (nodes, taxonomy terms, users, ...). Replicate is developer-oriented, and let you manage the cloning process the way you want. Node Clone has also only one hook to alter cloned nodes, Replicate provides several hooks to be able to work on a specific entity type or field type and thus writing the smallest amount of code required.

Why do I need Replicate module on my project? You need Replicate if you have the need to clone / duplicate content on your site and if you want to have full control over how entities are replicated, and write specific replication process. For example modules can be easily written to extend Replicate functionalities to manage node references when duplicating a node in another language so that the node references reference translated contents and not the original referenced nodes. Or to tell Drupal how to duplicate the super field you created and use on taxonomy terms.

This module was originally developed for a big project involving a complex replication workflow, in which a global site is creating and publishing content and send it to sub-sites in several other languages to be translated. The contents are very complex and use a lot of node references and field collections.

What else? Dependencies:

* Entity API

Replicate already implements basic replication cleaning functions for the Drupal core entities:

* Nodes
* Taxonomy Vocabularies
* Taxonomy Terms
* Comments
* Files

Users are not managed because of the problem it poses about what to do with the unique fields of the user entity when replicating. A dedicated module has been developed to manage default fields of the user entity which must be unique.

List of D7 modules implementing replicate:

* Replicate Field Collection (Provide replication system for fields of type Field Collection)
* Replicate UI (Provides user interface integration for Replicate)
* Replicate Commerce (Replicates Commerce entities)
* Replicate Bean (Replicates beans from Bean module)
* Replicate Entityform (Replicates Entityform entities)
* Replicate User (Manage default user fields which must be unique)

List of related D7 modules:

* Replicate UI
* Replicate Helpers

Note: I do not maintain all of these modules, this list is only here as information.

Originaly sponsored by Capgemini Drupal Factory

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Module Summary
Replicate module provides an API to duplicate / clone any entity with full control over the replication process.
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