Module Description
Allows your website to have update manager enabled but totally disables ALL updates from the Drupal UI. Update manager module will only be useful for sending you email notifications about the updates of modules and core as configured from the administration settings page.

Imaginary discussion to better understand why this module exists...
- How do you upgrade modules and core in Drupal 8? - Drupal 8 supports using the UI to upgrade modules. - Yeah, but what about command line? - Drush 8 supports upgrading core or contrib modules. - Where is composer in all this? - Drush 9 requires composer. Its own installation/upgrading functionality is discontinued. - Will it play nice with installation using the UI? - Err... no. You have to choose one way or the other to be consistent. - Ok, let's disable the "Update Manager" module from Drupal Core then. - Well, it's not that easy. Drupal UI is still useful. - How is that? - It sends us email notifications about security and other updates to modules or core. - So we should force ourselves to only use Composer, right?

Install this module using Composer 😉

Thanks to the great guys and girls of and for their support and contribution to the roadmap of this module.

Project Usage
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Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to solve the issue of wanting to have the update manager enabled for email notifications, but completely disabling all updates from the Drupal UI.
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