Module Description
Payment is a generic payment platform which allows other modules to use any of the payment methods that plug into Payment. With Payment we only need one one Paypal, one credit card and one iDEAL module to use with every single webshop or payment form that you want (applies to any payment method that works with Payment). This shortens development time and improves support, because only one instead of three Paypal modules need to be maintained, and simplifies UX, because all payment (method) information is now located in one place.

For more information

* try the demonstration site.
* read the Payment handbook.
* follow the development of version 2 and read the change records.

Project contents submodule requires is enhanced by integrates with PaymentThe main API
* Entity API

* Ctools
* Currency 7.x-2.x
* Views
* Payment UUID
* Payment Offsite API

* Features
* Field
* Rules
* Token
* Views

Payment Form FieldProvides a field to add payment forms to entities.
* Payment
* Currency API

Basic Payment MethodA 'dumb' payment method type that always successfully executes payments, but never actually transfers money. It can be useful for collect on delivery, free orders, testing, and more.
* Payment

Payment Reference FieldProvides a field to add payments to entities.
* Payment
* Currency API

* is enhanced by means the submodule offers extra features when the listed modules are enabled.
* integrates with means the listed modules offer extra features when the submodule is enabled.

Modules that use Payment to transfer money module requires description Payment Form Field Adds a payment form to any entity to let visitors pay when viewing the entity. Payment Reference Field Allows/requires users to pay when creating entities. Drupal Commerce Payment for Drupal Commerce Makes all payment methods usable within Drupal Commerce. Ubercart Payment for Ubercart Makes all payment methods usable within Ubercart. Basic cart #1541916: Payment/Basic Cart integration Allows orders to be paid from within the webshop (under development) Webform Payment for Webform Provides a payment reference component. Payment donation form Provides a block with a simple donation form. Payment methods
* Basic (Does not transfer any real money. Useful for cash on delivery, no payment required payment methods, or testing. See the handbook.)
* Braintree
* Buckaroo
* Datatrans
* Gocardless
* Ingenico (formerly Ogone)
* Mollie
* Ogone
* PagueloFacil
* PayOne
* PayPal (IPN, Express Checkout, PPS/WPS)
* Postfinance
* Rabo OmniKassa
* Robokassa
* Saferpay
* Sagepay
* Stripe or Stripe payment
* Interkassa
* Liqpay

This module is compatible with PHP 7.

Project Usage
Creation Date
Changed Date
Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
Payment module aims to centralize and simplify the integration of various payment methods into webshops and payment forms, reducing development time and maintenance efforts while improving user experience.
Data Name



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