Module Description
The Translation template extractor provides a web based and Drush-integrated Gettext translation template extractor interface for Drupal as well as a reusable API to look for translatable strings and translatability errors.

Do you need to use this tool?
This tool is used under the hood at to serve as a parsing machine for project releases. If you intend to contribute to Drupal interface translations on, there is no need to use this tool, it is integrated there seamlessly. It is possible to export translation templates for project releases there without using this tool, such as are templates for this specific project.

You need this project if you are in need of translation template source files directly from your locally running projects, especially custom projects.

Using with Drush
Use the potx drush command with Drush 8 or 9/10 to generate translation templates from local source code. Examples:

* Extract translatable strings from applicable files in current directory and write to single output file: drush potx
* Extract translatable strings from applicable files of example module and write to module-specific output file: drush potx multiple --modules=example
* Extract translatable strings from example.module and write to single output file: drush potx --files=sites/all/modules/example/example.module
* Extract strings from folder projects/drupal/8 using API version 8: drush potx single --api=8 --folder=projects/drupal/8

Using the user interface
A basic user interface is exposed on the admin/config/regional/translate/extract page (the Extract tab on the User interface translation page).

Template extraction may require extensive amounts of memory, if extraction fails, try raising the memory limit.

Project Usage
Creation Date
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Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
The Translation template extractor module aims to solve the extraction of translation templates from Drupal projects, providing a web-based interface and Drush integration for generating source files for translations.
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