Module Description
No Non-breaking Space Filter is a simple filter module that filters out all non-breaking spaces ( ). Like all filter modules, the No Non-breaking Space Filter does not change the text stored in the database. The filter goes into action only after the text is loaded from the database and the text has to be displayed on the website.

All non-breaking space HTML entities are replaced by blank space characters. Multiple contiguous space characters are replaced by a single blank space character.

Of course, the non-breaking space HTML entity has its right to exist. But multiple consecutive non-breaking space entities in a contiguous text break all typographical rules. When texts are copied from text processors like Microsoft Office Word or Libreoffice Writer into the Drupal WYSIWIG editors, then what should never have happened can happen. ...

Configuration Text format filter
Go to Administration » Configuration » Content authoring » Text formats (admin/config/content/formats) to enable this filter on your existing text formats or create a new text format ...

... and finally get rid   of  formated texts like this      example.

There is only one additional setting: Preserve placeholders (by default not enabled). A placeholder non-breaking space is surrounded by a HTML tag, for example <p> </p>.

Field formatter
Got to Administration » Structure » Content types » Your content type » Manage display (admin/structure/types/manage/<content-type>/display) and select the field formatter.

Similar / related modules
* Module nbsp_filter: Its main purpose is to avoid punctuation marks to break alone on a newline for languages where it has to have a space before or after.
* Module nbsp: Does the opposite. It is a CKEditor plugin to insert nbsp’s.

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Module Summary
The No Non-breaking Space Filter module solves the issue of multiple consecutive non-breaking space entities in a contiguous text breaking typographical rules by replacing them with a single blank space character.
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